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 Post subject: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:46 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:03 am
Posts: 65

Having a fairly good idea about the worth of individual samurai after yesterday's garden party and months of prior research and scrutiny, the Imperial Matchmaker is down to business. In many cases it is the next generation of Rokugani leaders sailing away, and she won't let them become unhinged when they will be exposed to heathen customs, tempted to forget their duty and the salience of marital politics in sustaining the social fabric of Rokugan. Bastard half-breeds is the anathema she wishes to avoid at all costs, though more typical bastards are almost as bad. No less than three Imperial princesses are boarding transoceanic vessels, followed by a row of Doji maidens, and a terrifying number of other unwed and unspoken for. This threat to the integrity of Emerald Empire must be finally addressed.

The stakes are higher still. Akodo Meikuko, Gusai Ryoshida and Muhaki Zazu, each for their own reasons, have decided to take personal interest in the proceedings of the expeditious miai of the Imperial Explorers. And here still may be unrevealed parties doing just the same...

Armed with her flawless memory, stern discernment and numerous notes containing personal profiles of the samurai slated to take part in the First Voyage, Odorihime invites them each of them for a short audience in her estates for the last conversation before she makes a call about their future. She wants to talk briefly with married Explorers as well, having an idea how to turn them into watchdogs of due behaviour in faraway land in the difficult time between betrothal and marriage.


General Considerations

  • The event simulates the individual audience. Just you and Miya Odorihime in a quiet room in the Orange Blossom Estates. Each participant can choose any slot from the band mentioned in the event title to participate in this event. The slot should me marked at the beginning of the post in this threas.
  • Participation should happen on-screen. The event is mandatory for the Imperial Explorers unless the GMs have specifically told a player otherwise. Off-screen participation means that Odorihime assigns someone a betrothed arbitrarily, without consultation or rolling. Those who don't make their entries until the event closes are assumed to have participated off-screen (GM trolling in spouse selection may or may not happen) unless they explicitly mention in their PFs that they are not attending. Non-attendance constitutes a failure of Duty, equals committing a Major Breach of Etiquette, converts a rank of Glory into two ranks of Infamy, and respective families are informed. It has little bearing on further experience of this particular game, however, as after departing Rokugan this will matter much less, at least until a possible return. Runaways from unwanted marriage are viable concepts with their own IC benefits and costs. The GMs are open to those kinds of stories if players prefer them. Still, the event will provide other options for dodging the bullet, so read on.
  • The event is awarding Free Raises for various features at its steps. In addition to those, you have a FR to the pool to be used at any step for each 10 Talk Points you earned during the Matchmaker's Garden Party.
  • The lists generated from the results of the Matchmaker's Garden Party shall be the additional guideline for Odorihime who can be paired with whom. In general, betrothals between PCs will be given priority, though there are special circumstances in which NPCs will come into play. If a player wants to target someone specific, it is possible via a Goal as per rules of using VIPs. This kind of targeting is unproblematic if it's mutual or at least consensual on OOC level (and the required VIPs can be pooled). If the targeted character's player says no, I will respect it, provide an alternative spouse and reimburse the spent VIPs. I assume it's better to make this OOC concession than to lock players for a game in an antagonistic relationship. Mind you, this is only in case of an OOC disagreement of this kind. If players are fine with such a story and just choose to throw IC angst at each other and award Bitter Betrothals, or choose to seek a way out to each other from initial estrangement, the GMs are fine with that. The GMs will be available to listen to your opinions and preferences, and ideas how things could proceed. If you feel a match is very controversial for you on OOC level, please raise it with us rather than remain silently unhappy. However, you'll have far less sway with your concerns if you have Secret Love or another directly applicable Disadvantage on your sheet as the GMs see it as an invitation for this kind of drama.
  • The TNs in this event vary, and there is no overarching point-scoring mechanics. Each step brings about its own specific outcomes and rewards.
  • Magic is an attempt to trick Odorihime, or at least Odorihime thinks so. Any active spell, kiho or tattoo, unless undetected (Shadowcasting vs. TN35), ends the audience and the character is awarded a betrothed as if they were participating off-screen, but suffer the consequences envisaged for non-participation (Major Breach of Etiquette etc.)
  • Not invited: Miya Edogawa, Muhaki Berena, Wata, Ran.


Act #1: Niceties

Basic success and each Raise are worth 2 VIP. Basic failure and each failed Called Raise cost you 1VIP.

  • Fear is the Mind-Killer. The Imperial Matchmaker would be scary, holding the strings to your future, even if she wasn't in foul mood because of the incident with her son yesterday. Her penetrating gaze and statuesque regality are awing. To find your tongue in her presence requires finding your guts, or you may well be stuttering and swallowing saliva for the rest of the conversation. Roll Fear 1. Raises can be Called on this roll, though each failed Raise increases the penalty by -1k0 for the remainder of the audience.
  • Witty Entrée (Optional). You can try to turn the tables on Odorihime and set the mood of the conversation by providing some tasteful levity or sharing some interesting tidbit from your area of speciality, though she's not one to be caught on the trick easily. Roll Awareness/Courtier (Any) or Etiquette (Conversation) vs. TN25, adding one selected High Skill you can consider your trademark to the total of the Roll that is neither Courtier, Etiquette or Sincerity. Characters with Lechery have it harder by +5 TN to not disclose their licentiousness while trying o be witty as lewd double entendres and poor phrasing is the first that comes to their mind. Failure means she's more inclined to show you your place: all your further rolls are harder by 2.
  • The House of Flying Teacups. Tea is served, and you're expected to partake. However, keeping tabs on both what Odorihime is saying and doing and on proper motions requires either swiftness of reactions or inner calm. Roll either Willpower or Reflexes with either Etiquette (Courtesy) or Tea Ceremony vs. TN20. Fumbling is a Minor Breach of Etiquette as some mishap on your part happens.

Act #2: Flaws & Fortes

Basic success and each Raise are worth 3 VIP. Basic failure and each failed Called Raise cost you 1VIP.

  • No-one Is Innocent. Odorihime begins by scrutinising your most damning deficiency. She has notes on facts from your past you'd prefer to forget or to never have happened. You have a shot at showing some contrition, your ability to rise above your failings or bad karma, or resolve to improve. Choose one of your highest-cost Disadvantages. If it envisages a roll in itself and GM, consider this roll triggered. If it does not, or in some special circumstances when the Disadvantage roll doesn't make sense in Odorihime's office, roll Sincerity (Any) vs. TN of 5 x the cost of the Disadvantage. Success means those notes never see daylight again as you're offered a fresh start - if other conditions are ever met, you can buy off that Disadvantage at its normal cost. Failure of anyone who is not a member of the Imperial Families results in Odorihime keeping Blackmail against you she may then use as she pleases, like giving it to your family, your betrothed's family, magistrates or foes. It is implicit and she does not threaten you, so you don't have full awareness that this may occur. In addition, if you unsuccessfully lie to her with Sincerity (Deceit) she won't listen about your stronger points - you skip Redeeming Qualities. Sacrosanct, ranks of Social Position and Allies of Influence 3 or 4 can give you a FR to this roll for every two such features, in any combination.
  • Redeeming Qualities. Odorihime is willing to entertain your expounding of your own virtues, just stay on subject and don't go overboard. The TN of this roll is 50 minus five times the cost of your priciest Advantage, to the minimum of TN5. She is also aware of your reputation: if you took part in the "What's in a Name" event, choose one of the Skills you used in that event that is not a Low Skill. Merchant Skills require one Raise for no effect. You can call as many Raises as you want on this roll, and 9s explode alongside 10s, but you lose 5VIP for each increment of 10 you overroll as Odorihime finds it to be bragging with diminishing substance. If you have not acquired such reputation yet, the roll is without such modifications: you are normally limited in raises and dice don't additionally explode, but neither are you punished for overrolling. In both cases prior to the roll you may choose to add your Glory Rank to the total.

Calculate your final VIP score before approaching next Act. In the next Act you only choose one option: A, B or C.

Act #3A: If Wishes Were Fishes...

...we would all be casting nets. Time to cast yours. No rolling in this option. If you are eligible and want to get married, choose one of these options. If you want more than one, you pay 10 VIPs for the right to pick each above the first. Be mindful that being too specific may land you with an NPC rather than a PC.

  • I trust your judgement. Odorihime selects a betrothed for you according to her best idea of a good match for you. You gain 20 VIP and can purchase Paragon of Duty for 2XP less. You cannot choose this option with any other option in this Act.
  • I have someone special in mind. Name an eligible PC or an NPC and follow normal rules of spending VIPs for securing a spouse. GMs can shoot down your NPC request - Odorihime declares that person being off-limits. Suggesting same-sex relationships is a Major Breach of Etiquette. If all criteria are met: VIPs are sufficient, Odorihime agrees, the other character's player agrees and no special circumstances take place - this is your betrothed.
  • I want it to be out of love! Odorihime may roll eyes but she'll comply. Given the circumstances and priorities, she'll let you have your silly notion that is the death of Duty. For additional 20 unmodified VIP you can make it a Blissful Betrothal. You acquire the Advantage for no additional cost.
  • I want to stay in Clan/I want to marry out. Odorihime can do as much. This does cost 5 VIPs.
  • Just with no disabilities, skeletons in the closet, horrible addictions or spiritual malaises, please. Odorihime shows understanding. This does not cost extra.
  • I want it to be someone important. Odorihime won't blame you for ambition, but i requires pulling more strings. 10 VIPs per rank of Status, up to 6, you want on your spouse. Up to that rank -1 your own future purchases of Social Position will be 2XP cheaper.
  • I want my children to have Imperial blood. Odorihime will find someone eligible for you among the Imperial Families. This costs 25 VIPs.

Act #3B: Excuses

This is an option for you if you don't want to be married this time. If one option does not succeed you can pay 10 VIPs to try another, or to move to Act #3A, ending silly excuses and getting down to marriage business.

  • I... am unfit. You try to prove to Odorihime that you are an abysmal marriage material. This is a Stamina or Strength/Courtier (Manipulation) or Sincerity (Any) Roll. Bad Fortune, Low Pain Threshold, Bad Health, Foreign Heritage, Cursed by the Realm, Compulsion: Alcohol or Opium, or age of 16 or less each can give -5 to the roll, while Infertile can yield -10. You can keep lowest on the roll. If you receive a negative result on the roll, Odorihime gives up on you and deems you ineligible. You lose Glory Points equal to your negative score, and a Rank of Infamy on top as relevant parties, your family included, are informed. Your any future attempt to secure marriage through VIPs costs thrice. If you remain with a positive score, however, you've really got Odorihime angry. She'll make sure you'll feel the fallout. You acquire Failure of Duty by being supremely scolded for the attitude, or Black Sheep, your choice, and can get married off anyway.
    My duty and fate are greater than that! You have last chance to convince Odorihime she should let you go because you have an important purpose to fulfil and marriage would only tie you down; you are married to a cause. This is a roll vs. TN50 of any non-Low Skill of your choice. Great Destiny and Great Potential in the Skill reduce the TN by 10 each. On success, she lets you go on the First Voyage unmarried. On failure, she's not convinced.
    Please... I am not ready... I'll do anything! For unswerving servitude Odorihime is willing to exempt you. You take 6-point Obligation to her and the Imperial Families at no cost. The GMs will eagerly await an opportune moment to call it. We won't go easy on you with this, you've been warned.

Act #3C: Special Arrangements

This is an option for already married. Since yesterday Odorihime thinks about recruiting you if you prove your mettle. If you want more than one, you pay 10 VIPs for the right to pick each above the first.

  • A Look Into the Resume. Make four rolls: Intimidation/Willpower (Control), Intelligence/Lore: Heraldry, Awareness/Lore: Values (Bushido) and Perception/Investigation (Interrogation) vs. TN20. Having Odorihime as an Ally or having an Obligation to aid her in chaperoning during the First Voyage from the Matchmaker's Garden Party event give 1FR each to distribute among the rolls. Basic success on each roll earns 5 VIPs, plus 5 VIPs for each successful raise. Failure carries no penalties. If at least 2 of those rolls succeeded, you are offered some options.
    • I's an honour to serve you in this capacity. You earn Virtuous. You cannot choose this option with any other option in this Act.
    • Let's talk about my siblings/children. For 50 VIPs each you can secure a Different School for your scion/sibling or betrothe him or her to the child of someone influential (Allies up to 4/1). The NPC Ally requires GM approval.
    • Let's take care of something. For 50 VIPs you can reduce the cost of buying off Blackmailed or Dark Secret Disadvantage to its printed cost, and this satisfies IC conditions for doing so as Odorihime takes care of a lion's share of problems related to your little uncomfortable secrets, even those she herself has imposed.
    • Why not a nakodo license for myself? 25 VIPs earn you 0.5 Status and the official capacity to act as an Imperial nakodo in arranging inter-Clan marriages.

Act #4: So you had big plans?

Love is the death of Duty, but whose? This is when certain Disadvantages and other special circumstances are triggered. It will be the domain of role-play, and a special thread will be made for it. If your marital or anti-marital designs are quashed in result of them, your VIP expenditures will be reimbursed, and Disadvantages taken willingly - annulled.



Once the event closes, working down the lists will result in pairings being announced. Players will be consulted in the process. In IC terms, the results will be known before the First Voyage starts, likely beginning with D2.

Imperial Matchmaker | Courtier | Descendant of Hantei Ningi | Tiger Mother | Doom of Bachelors
Status: 7 | Glory: 5 | Honour: Exceptional
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:37 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:30 pm
Posts: 903
(EA slot used)

Suihime didn't have far to travel to see her mother. She knew this day was coming, before anyone else most likely did. Contrary to popular belief, Suihime loved spending time with her mother. It didn't happen often enough, and while she was a stern woman Suihime still idolized her.

That didn't make her any less nervous though. Her mother was a terrifying woman, but Suihime luckily held her nerve as the questions began. She performed the tea ceremony with her mother flawlessly, and she was sure her mother was impressed. So she let her guard down, and the discussions turned to the gaijin sciences. Suihime talked quite in depth about it, and she would have gone further had she not noticed the look of disapproval in her mothers eyes...


Luckily, her redeeming qualities were numerous enough that a conversation could be had without going too much into detail. Just.

Then it got to the final conversations, and a name came up; Gusai Susumu.

Act 1
D1 EA event - Act 1 - Fear is the Mind-Killer Fear 1 (TN10) honor added: 2d10o10k2+6 13 - 2vip earned
D1 EA event - Act 1 - The House of Flying Teacups - etiquette(courtesy)/Reflexes +IEtech +FR from previous event - Tn20: 7d10ro1o10k3+5 32 2 vip earned

Total from Act 1 - 4vip, pooled FR from previous event used

Act 2
D1 EA event - Act 2 -No-one Is Innocent - consumed by Science triggered (willpower vs tn25) - 2 FR used to lower TN to 15, Void spent: 3d10o10k3 9 -FAIL (hah!) 1 VIP lost
D1 EA event - Act 2 -Redeeming Qualities - TN 50-30(social position)=TN20+3 raises (Tn35). Calligraphy/Int used, glory added to roll: 9d10o10k4+7 40
D1 EA event - Act 2 -Redeeming Qualities - TN 50-30(social position)=TN20+3 raises (Tn35). Calligraphy/Int used, glory added to roll - rolling for the exploded 9: 1d10o9k1 4

44 total - 12 vip earned

Total for act 2 - 11vip earned

Total for event - 15 vip earned, 91 banked = 106 VIP

Act 3 - taking Act 3A route! Choices are:
I have someone in mind - Gusai Susumu
Blissful option

Rest will be added later! - done all I can for a lunch break - if thread needed, let me know)

Last edited by Miya Suihime on Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Imperial * Captain of the Ashitae Maru * Courtier *Imperial Explorer * Herald * Jama's Retainer * Bookworm * Jinn-Touched * Prolific Pundit on Gaijin Affairs * Gaijin-curious * Princess of the Imperial Navy * Profile
Status: 4.0 | Glory 7.8 | Honour/Faith Exceptional | Reputation 1.3

Languages: Rokugani, Mekhem, Yobanjin, Merenaese, ???
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:00 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:27 pm
Posts: 264
Oh, of course this was the point of that party yesterday. Hopefully mom and dad can get something out of it. Still she was very uneasy about this whole affair.

Fear is the Mind-Killer = 14 Duly noted. Orokos is the Raise Killer. -2 VIP & -2k0
Witty Entrée = 35 +2 VIP
The House of Flying Teacups = 34 +2 VIP
Flaws & Fortes
No-one Is Innocent = 15 -1 VIP
Redeeming Qualities = 50 -1 VIP
If Wishes Were Fishes...
I trust your judgement +20 VIP

Total: +20 VIP, blackmail, and hopefully a decision she is unfit for marriage, sheesh.

Crane Clan Bushi • Duelist • Blessed by Benten • House of Shining Light
Status 1.0 | Glory 2.7 | Honour: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, sake cup, chopsticks
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:38 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:11 pm
Posts: 421
[Late Morning]

The Tortoise was ready to face this challenge with a mix of poise and charm, set to obtain a wife that would make his life in Rokugan easier.

Once he was closer and could take a better look at her, he was impressed with her perfectly aged beauty and calm menace that radiated from her every pore; she was very much akin a great feline, a beautiful creature that could slash you in twine with not so much as a second thought. It was a pity she was not in the menu, she looked to be a very good treat.

He calmly took his seat, her intimidation not really resonating with him, and immediately went on the offensive and regaling her with his charm and fluidity in linguistics. He wasn't a good writer but he sure knew how to talk. He deftly held to his cup as he did so, his eyes never leaving the princess. The first act had a sweet conclusion.

When she approached the topic of his seeming disregard for honor he deftly waved the accusations away and maneuvered himself to a mere victim of circumstances and upstanding citizen; sure he wasn't a paragon but he certainly wasn't a villain. His words seemed to have effect so he once more seized the momentum to finish in glory, only to fail horribly when his topic left the woman obviously bored.

All in all the outcome had been decent and his faux pas was overshadowed by his expertise in adapting to new situations and appearing innocent.

When it came to choose a wife he convinced the woman to marry him to a member of the Imperial Families in what could be summarized as, mint condition.

Fear is the Mind Killer: 34 - 2 VIP gained
Witty Entree: 28 - 2 VIP gained
The House of the Flying Teacups: 37 - 2 VIP gained

No-one is Innocent: 30 (2CR + 1FR) - 12 VIP gained
Redeeming Qualities: 32 (5CR + 1 FR) - 5 VIP lost

I want my children to have Imperial blood - 25VIP
Just with no disabilities, skeletons in the closet, horrible addictions or spiritual malaises, please - 10VIP

TOTAL VIP (including saved): 55

VIP remaining: 20

Tortoise Clan • Privateer (Allegedly) • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Fabulously Wealthy • Captain of Amateratsu's Grace
Honor: 1.0 - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 4.5 (5.5 in East Port)
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Ivindi, Yobanjin

Equipment: Rapier, navigation tools, light armor when applicable
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:40 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:05 pm
Posts: 513

Fear was not something Hikari experienced very often. A Jade magistrate surely had to be trained to resist it; even if the dangers an imperial matchmaker presented were very different from those she was normally expected to face. The prospect of marriage was not precisely one she relished, much less to someone she might not even know, but despite the opinion many often had of her; Hikari did generally respect what was expected of her in the pursuit of Duty.

"You're most gas-eous to be receiving me like this," she said...

...but only she didn't because it was all in her mind! It was a Lucky thing that she'd been rehearsing the conversation in her head beforehand, allowing her to avoid such obvious mispronounciations.

"You're most gracious to be receiving me like this," she said instead. "I believe we've met before, but I was not old enough to be given serious consideration of course."

After the requisite amount of small talk, mention of her flaws and redeeming qualities was brought up. Talk of mystical matters came in regards to both topics. Presumably it was beyond the matchmaker's expertise, but when dealing with the Seppun family one could expect that such topics would be brought up. One might even have expected the prolonged 'I am the greatest' speech when it came to the latter topic.

"... of course the Kami have always... blah blah blah... and I recently did quite well in regards to the puzzle ciphers of... blah blah, etc etc."

There was perhaps much gnashing of teeth during this particular portion of the conversation. Fortunately, Hikari made things easier for the matchmaker afterwards.

"Oh no, I have no particular desires Miya-sama. One understands that much is expected, and little should be demanded. And one understands that your judgement holds merit beyond my own. I will entrust the decision to you."

Act 1:

Step 1: Fear is the Mind Killer, 1 raise, TN15, +honor: 3d10o10k3+6 38 +4 VIP
Step 3: Willpower/Etiquette, TN25, 1 raise: 6d10o10k3 21
Step 3: Willpower/Etiquette, TN25, 1 raise (LUCK re-roll): 6d10o10k3 38 +4 VIP

Act 2:

Step 1: Sincerity / Awareness, VOID for +1k1, TN20 (5x5 -5 from free raise): 4d10k4 25 +3 VIP
Step 2: Intelligence/Spellcraft, TN35(50-30 from Social Position), 3 raises, +glory: 8d10o9k4+2 58 +2 VIP (12-10 from overrolling)


Act 3: I trust your judgement

Final tally: +33VIP, and future discount of -2xp on Paragon of Duty.

Last edited by Seppun Hikari on Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Imperial • Kuge • Shugenja • (Junior) Jade Magistrate • Happy-go-Lucky • Glutton • Sage • Wealthy • Cursed • The Amazing Monkey Princess: Saruhime
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 2.9 | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 2.0 (crazy fire witch) | Honour: Exceptional
Carries: Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Jade, Snacks, 2 small statuettes
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:59 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:34 pm
Posts: 724
Early Evening Slot

Anzai arrived at the Estate early in the evening. He had made sure to go for maximum formality. He had changed into his secondary kimono, the one with the black sashed obi. He had steeled his mind for this, preparing himself for the intensity of her famed scrutiny. His mask was affixed on his face, the perfect visage of a Scorpion courtier.

Act 1: Niceties
Entering the private audience chamber, he bowed deeply and respectfully to the Imperial Matchmaker. "Miya-sama. Good evening, I hope this day has gone exquisite for you." He tried to play off the intimidation factor by delving deep into the formality of the event.Fear is the Mind Killer (Willpower 3 v. TN 10): 3d10o10k3 24 (success, 2 VIP earned)

And there was ice water in his veins as he slipped into the room, a smile upon his face. "Miya-sama, before we begin, I was wondering if I could divulge some of the latest gossip I had heard..."
Witty Entree (Awareness 4, Courtier 6, Gossip Emphasis, 1FR Bayushi 1, Benten's Blessing, TN 30 due to Lechery): 10d10ro1o10k4 41 (success with 1 raise, 4 VIP earned)

But she cut him off before he went to deeply into some juicy details of what he had learned that afternoon while speaking to some other courtiers at a teahouse.

Ceremony was necessary, and tea was served. He awaited patiently, participating as directed. Listening even more so to her words. But he was paying too much attention, spilling tea upon himself. Cursing inwardly, trying to dry himself
House of Flying Teacups (Willpower 3, Etiquette 6, Benten's Blessing, 1 FR Bayushi 1, TN 20, 2 Called raises to TN 30): 10d10o10k3 26 (Failure, -3 VIP, Minor Breach of Etiquette)

Act 1 Net Gain/Loss: +3 VIP

Act 2: Flaws and Fortes
Anzai was shocked when the Matchmaker started speaking about his mother. About what had happened. Already with his shoddy performance from the Tea Ceremony, he was finding himself off his game. Yet he remained steely-eyed. Resolved to not screw this up. And resolved to protect her reputation. And his own.

No One is Innocent (Awareness 4, Sincerity 4, Benten's Blessing, 1 FR Bayushi 1, 2 Called Raises to TN30, spending void point): 10d10o10k5 45 (Success, 3 raises. +12 VIP)

Then she allowed him to go on about his redeeming qualities. He smiled, and began to speak.
Redeeming Qualities (Awareness 4, Courtier 6, Gossip Emphasis, Benten's Blessing, 1FR Bayushi 1, 3 called raises, 9s explode, TN 45: 10d10ro1o9k4 56 (Success, four raises, -5 VIP for bragging a bit. Earned +10 VIP)

She cut him off as he started to get a little arrogant in his speech, and he flushed at being caught like that.

VIP Earned Act 2: 22 VIP

Total Earned VIP Acts 1 and 2: 25 VIP

Total VIPS on Character: 106VIP

Act 3A: If Wishes Were Fishes
"Miya-sama. I respect your judgement and your expertise in this arena. I truly do. But... if I may be so bold. There's someone I'd like to see if they are compatible. With what you decide, of course. Kakita Otsuka-san. We went to the College of Shining Light together. I.... I'd like to see if you could help me with that. I care for her. Truly. And... would it be possible... for her to marry into the Scorpion?"

(I have someone special in mind, out of love, and Stay in Clan: Costs 125 VIPs on my end. Can only be afforded if Kakita Otsuka agrees.)

Last edited by Shosuro Anzai on Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

Honor: Honorless Dog, Status: 2, Glory: 5.8 - Reputation: 5.2 - Benten's Blessing - Dangerous Beauty - Lechery - Evil Eye - Unlucky 1 - Language (Merenae, Mekhem) - Darling of the Court (West Port) - Courtier - Scorpion - "The Rose Whisperer"
Carries on person: Wakizashi, Tanto, Gaijin clothing
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:09 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:37 pm
Posts: 649
[EE Timeslot]

Hinami went to the appointed meeting with the Imperial Matchmaker, arriving in full junihitoe. She bowed as she entered the room, then approached slowly to where Odorihime was waiting for her. Once again she bowed this time lower as was expected from a trained courtier also because Odorihime-sama has a very special place among the imperial families, she is descendant of one of Hantei's family branches.

From the outside it could be seen as a perfect meeting, calm, almost ceremonial, but in reality tension could be felt in the room. A clash of egos that was about to begin. One tempered by experience, age and wisdom, the other wild and unstoppable fueled by passionate youth.

Hinami knew about Odorihime's reputation, she knew that she was the doom of bachelors. But the Seppun maiden was completely calm, after all, she was also a trained Otomo, this was part of her life, although short, she already had various tense encounters in the past, during the last winter court and because of her job inside the Department of Oversight.

The young princess broke the silence with some details about her last job as an investigator among the bureaucrats, not only here but also around the Scorpion lands and beyond. While Odorihime was the Imperial Matchmaker, she was also an Otomo, and probably liked to talk about such details, including new ways to achieve more bureaucratic eficiency, new protocols and edicts, and new interpretations of old ones.

This topic actually worked with the impecable lady. Soon she and Hinami where discussing about anything but the true theme that had gathered them here. The two courtiers shared bureaucratic details, while they also partook in the delicate and refined art of drinking tea. For others, to talk to Odorihime and to make all the swift and delicate movements expected for such ritual could be difficult, for Hinami, it was something natural, ingrained in her very soul. She has been trained for such ocasions since she had the abillity to walk.

Finally the conversation turned into business. The ambient in the room once again changed as Odorihime began exposing Hinami's faults one by one. All her failures had been minutely achieved and catalogued, especially the last one yesterday during the Matchmaker's party. '' Do you know that your attitude yesterday was completely unacceptable?'' She said.

Hinami felt like something was about to happen during Odorihime's speech. Something that she dreaded, something that she did not understood and something she blamed her own sister for happening to her in the first place. It was the ideal, or rather worse, moment for such a thing to occur. Hinami had to endure during her entire childhood various types of pranks, some quite benign others very cruel. She felt a deja vu during this very moment as during other past serious meetings like this one, something happened that ruined it.

But nothing happened this time.

Hinami sighed internaly in relief, and she sincerely answered that she understood that her past attitude was wrong and that she will see in the future that never again she will act like that in public. Less she brings shame to her family. Odorihime seemed to accept Hinami's sincere reply.

Then it was the turn for Hinami to expose her own redeeming qualities, which were not few. First of all, since she was a little girl, Hinami was considered a genius and a prodigy among her classmates. She not also had a good name, a good lineage, good background, but she was intelligent, intuitive and wiser than what she appeared to be. She also was completely devoted to the Hantei family and the Imperial families. Until then Odorihime nodded as Hinami explained her own qualities.

'' My legacy and dream is to serve the Son of Heavens and their descendants with devotion and faith. There's no other path for me, Miya Odorohime-sama, at least I don't see myself serving someone else. No. To serve the Hantei family and the Imperial families is everything to me. Yet here we are discussing the possibility of me being married to another. To serve another man? To marry me out the the Clans and forcibly make me serve another instead of the Divine Emperor and his family directly?'' Hinami tried to sway the Matchmaker's opinion to her favour.

'' Miya-sama, I do respect your wisdom, but are you going to deny the wishes of a truly loyal and devoted subject of the Son of Heavens? Are you capable of sending me away just because of a political advantage? What benefit would such action will bring to our families? Nothing, to weaken our lines and strengthen the Clans instead of using me and my talents to further strengthen the Imperial families from within'' She said.

'' What purpose will my life have without serving the Emperor and his family directly? I refuse to live such an empty life. Forgive me Miya Odorihime-sama but I believe that I should not marry, not now at least.'' She lastly said, but her words did not had the effect she expected. Odorihime did not even flinch.

Despair began to fill Hinami internally as Odorohime didn't change her mind. '' Please, Miya Odorihime-sama, please do not deny me the privilege of serving the Emperor. I, I will do whatever is necesary to ensure Hantei's-no-kami legacy. Anything...'' Her On started to waver. '' I could not live thinking that my life is not tied to the Hantei family. Please, I beg you...''



1) Fear 1; Willpower + honor - 24 |Pass [TN10]
  • +2 VIPs

2) Courtier (Manipulation)/Awareness + Investigation; +1k0 Prodigy; +0k1 Benten's; +1k1 Void - 55 |Pass [TN35; 1 VP; 2 CR]
  • +6 VIPs

3) Etiquette/Willpower - 27 |Pass [TN20]
  • +2 VIPs

4) Sincerity/Awareness; +1k0 Prodigy; +0k1 Benten's; +1k1 Void - 45 |Pass [TN30 (4x5 + 2CR); 1 VP]
  • +9 VIPs

5) Courtier(Manipulation)/Awareness; +1k0 Prodigy; +0k1 Benten's; +3 Glory - 40 |Pass [TN 5+30 (6CR)]
  • +21 VIPS

6) Courtier(Manipulation)/Awareness; +1k0 Prodigy; +0k1 Benten's - 23 |So Much Fail [TN50]
  • Driven Disadvantage Triggers

TOTAL VIPs GAINED: +30 [40-10(Obligation Option)]
  • Obligation (Miya Odorihime) (6)
  • Not getting married, I'm free!

Last edited by Seppun Hinami on Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:12 pm, edited 7 times in total.

*Imperial *Kuge *Courtier *Wealthy *Blessed *Beautiful Voice *Cursed *Superintendent for Kameyama Jima *The Spider Queen
Honor: What is Expected|Glory: 3.9|Reputation: 2.7|Notoriety: 1.8|Infamy: 0.0|Status: 5.0

Languages: Rokugani
Carries: Traditional Clothing, Extravagant Furisode (Usually), Extravagant Jūnihitoe (Very Formal), Wakizashi, Tanto, Calligraphy Set, Personal Chop, Exquisite Jade Pendant
Mon: Seppun, Otomo
D13 Theme

Since D6 LA accompanied by Megumi, a Rokugani ronin translator.
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:11 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:46 pm
Posts: 459
Although the Imperial Matchmaker's presence was indeed intimidating, Keiji was still a Lion, and he would show no fear; not even when the woman brought out the delicate teacups that looked like they might shatter if once glanced at them harshly. Keiji was extra careful with handling them, as if his life depended on it. It probably did, he reflected ruefully.

The interview portion went well enough. "I'm just a humble sailor," Keiji had tried to claim modestly at the start of the interview. But after a few cups of tea and a little coaxing from Odorihime, he gained confidence and began speaking of his hopes and dreams; things he wouldn't normally share, but the Miya seemed so trustworthy.

"I'll win command of one of those great big ships in the harbor," Keiji bragged. "We'll sail to gaijin lands and conquer them. Maybe I'll even become admiral of the fleet someday! Wouldn't that be splendid? As a future admiral, I'm sure I'll be a great match for somebody. Just you see!"

As for who he would be a good match for? Keiji had to admit he had no idea. "I, uhh, tried some courting while I was in college, but it didn't go very well," he admitted sheepishly. "Would it be too much of an imposition to rely on your expertise, Miya-sama? I'm sure you know much more about the subject than I could ever hope to know."

The Imperial Matchmaker nodded. She would take care of everything. Keiji looked grateful and relieved.

Act 1
Resist Fear 14 hits TN10, 2 VIPs
Etiquette 32 hits TN20, 2 VIPs

Act 2
No one is innocent, Resist Overconfidence 7 fails TN20, -1 VIP
Redeeming qualities with 1 raise for merchant skill and 5 raises for effect, Craft: Cartography 53 hits TN35, +18 VIPs for success and -5 VIPs for succeeding by 10

Act 3A
I trust your judgement. +20 VIPs, can purchase Paragon of Duty for 2XP less.

Total: 36 VIPs.

Lion Clan Samurai • Imperial Explorer • Captain of Kunshu Maru • Famous • Voice • Leadership
Status 4.0 (Ship Captain) • Glory 7.2 (amazing naval officer) • Reputation 4.3 (naval commander, battle of Skull Island) • Honor: Exceptional
Sturdy clothing, daisho, traveling pack, drafting tools
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:18 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:06 am
Posts: 528
Late Afternoon

Marriage was not the path of the Yogo and especially not one for a Tansaku. Her father had not married for love nor ever loved his wife, his father the same, his father, and so on. They married out of Duty and all of them had done so without complaint. But that was not the way of the redhead priestess. She wanted to form her own path.

And so, the matchmaker before Akarei represented her inability to control her own life. I'm a Jade Yoriki when I should be a magistrate. I'm just as intelligent as Seppun Hikari. I should be more, I could actually fall in love, I could be so much more. Or maybe it's better that I have never been attracted to any man, then that means I won't trigger the curse. But then what if I have a child? What if...

Akarei barely managed to suppress the torrent in her mind as she poured the tea for the much, much, much superior woman. She kept her responses short and sweet for the time being and thanked Bayushi for devising a way to shield her in the form of masks.

But what came next was a shattering question regarding her Curse. There was no point in lying so Akarei followed the only path she thought to. "Well, O... Miya-sama, I, well, do not believe it will be an issue. The Curse, that is." She downed an entire cup of piping hot tea to grasp for time. "Any husband will not be affected by it! Oh, that does sound like I might have already had a betrayal happen but it actually hasn't. So I suppose there technically is a risk..."

Excellent argument, Akarei... It was as if the fire kami were spurring her thoughts and she was speaking without thinking fully.

"But, I might be able to cure the Curse in the journey. That is why I am going. Now I am not sure if that is even possible; it is, after all, something that has not been solved for centuries. But I am intelligent so I might make progress. Might, yes. I do not want to make undue promises to you..."

She took a deep breath and decided to discard her mask. The woman found herself then running a hand through her hair. "Look at my hair, look at my eyes. They hold more than what would appear." The woman gulped. "Marriage would hold me back, to say the least. At least for now. I mean, I have seen turmoil in the stars. Surely I could betray my dear husband by perishing on the journey?"

But it was clear that her arguments were useless. By the end, the Yogo simply let out a sigh and bowed her head. "Marriage is not something I can change about my future. Besides, you are an Imperial matchmaker; I am certain you will find someone suitable for one such as me."


Act #1:
D1 LA Fear 1 TN 10: 3d10o10k3+1 4
-1 VIP
D1 LA Etiquette/Willpower, TN 20, -1k0 from Fear: 3d10o10k3 22

Act #2:
D1 LA Sincerity/Awareness, TN 30, -1k0 from Fear: 2d10o10k2 8
Earned Blackmail regarding my Yogo Curse? -1 VIP
D1 LA Spellcraft/Intelligence, TN 35, 4 CR, Glory 3-1k0 from Fear: 7d10o10k4+3 24
-5 VIP

34 + 25 (from Akodo) - 4 = 55 VIP

Act #3B:
D1 LA Divination/Intelligence, TN 50, -1k0 from Fear: 6d10o10k4 21
D1 LA Divination/Intelligence, Astrology Emphasis Reroll: 4d10o10k4 17
Revised Total: 31 (No Pass)
-10 VIP

Act #3A:
I trust your judgement
+20, Discounted Paragon of Duty

Last edited by Yogo Akarei on Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Scorpion | Vassal (Tansaku) | Jade Yoriki | Diviner (Astrology) | Blessed by Fire | The "Flame of Piety" | First Officer of the Yamato Maru
Status: 3.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Languages: Rokugani
General Theme | Stargazing Theme | Battle Theme

Typically Carries: Robes, Mask, Fan, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Divination Kit, Paper Wards
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:25 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:38 pm
Posts: 163
Choosing EM Timeslot

Yuki was not dismayed by such an early meeting with the Miya Matron. The Lynx had not made a conquest the night before so was still fresh. He did not fear the Nakodo either, having faced his former Champion once to be told of his marriage into the Lion . . . this was like kitten's play.

The early conversation was simple, easy, slightly teasing. Just as he was known for. He wasn't going to be caught out in casual niceties. Not here. Certainly not in his element.

The tea service was tricky but fast hands . . . deft hands . . . prevailed. No tea was spilt. No embarrassment gained.

Tea done, the Miya got down to business. Oh she had studied the Snow Kitten it seemed. Obviously knew which buttons to press. A few words on a simple matter of a trade deal between Phoenix and Dragon and Yuki was exposed. Oh he had opinions on that and he expressed them. Vehemently. Odorihime nodded and smiled. Yuki smiled back. They both knew which had overstepped and which had the upper hand, but nothing was said. The pleasant niceties returned. Nothing would be said unless it had to be. They both understood. This was how the game was played.

The game went on, as they discussed recent Lion . . . activities. Yuki made his points much more subtly and skilfully this time . . . but perhaps a little too flowery and lengthy. Still the points had been made. An opinion expressed. The Snow Kitten thought he had come out ahead on that one.

With the target now in sight, Yuki played on his newfound agreements with Odorihime. He would be chaperoning the young male bushi on the voyage. Why not elevate him even further? A license to sanction marriages, should such a thing be required would be ever so useful while out with the Explorers. It would head off any embarrassments that were currently not visible, or found out by these interviews. He was hardly one to sway others by force of will, but he knew their philosophies, he knew their families and he had a persuasive tongue when he needed it.

Miya Odorihime agreed . . . Yuki would be a Chaperone and a Nakodo. Kami help those under his claws . . . . . .


Act 1

Fear is the Mind Killer, VP for +1k1, TN 10 = 21, pass, 2 VIP.
Witty Entrée, Temptation as signature, TN 25 = 29, pass, 2 VIP.
The House of Flying Teacups, VP for +1k1, TN 20 = 27, pass, 2 VIP.

Act 2

No-one is Innocent, Contrary triggers, VP for +1k1, TN 20 = 17, fail, -1 VIP.
(had a FR on this I forgot about, assume it would have been used for VIP and therefore failed.)
Redeeming Qualities, Court/Awa, 1 FR from school, 3 CR, Highest Advantage is worth 6 points, TN = (50 - (6x5) + 15) = 35, = 55, pass, 15 VIP, -10 VIP for overroll = 5 VIP. (forgot to explode 9s, but none were rolled)

Act 3c

VIP = 59 brought forward + 6 Act One + 4 Act Two = 69 VIP available.

Intimidation/Willpower, FR to reduce TN, TN 15 = 10, fail. (Couldn't use FR as unskilled, but failed anyway)
Intelligence/Lore:Heraldry, TN 20 = 28, pass, 5 VIP.
Awareness/Lore:Values, 3FR, TN 20 = 28, pass, 20 VIP.
Perception/Investigation, TN 20 = 23, pass, 5 VIP.

Taking - Why not a nakodo license for myself? 25 VIPs earn you 0.5 Status and the official capacity to act as an Imperial nakodo in arranging inter-Clan marriages.

Totals = 40 VIP gained, 25 VIP spent. nett 15 VIP gained.

Lion Clan * Courtier * Snow Kitten * Pretty Boi * Uncaring * Opinionated * 'Lynx of the Night' * Chaperone * Nakodo

Honour: Untrustworthy * Glory: 3.1 * Status: 4.5
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:10 am 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:18 pm
Posts: 2397
(Early Evening)

Utsusemi had been fine with waiting until the later hours until meeting with the Matchmaker, as she had then spent most of the day giving advice and encouragement to the young hopeful samurai going to meet their fates today. Though, she still wasn't quite sure why the Matchmaker had invited her over... Odorihime surely knew she was married, right?

Still, she arrived at the appointed hour, wearing a formal attire with a simple kosode over, in muted greys, so that she would not give the impression that she was trying to outshine the unmarried explorers.

If Odorihime was attempting to strike fear into the heart of Utsusemi, it hardly registered with the Agasha matron, who had already seen similar attempts done by many different courtiers in her years... as well as her own nakodo when she was matched with her husband. Instead, she smiled politely and took control of the conversation... pointedly avoiding asking Odorihime about her son, or mentioning her own son, but instead asked about Suihime and began to trade stories about her own daughter as they talked about the similarities of young girls.

And all the while Odorihime tried to upset Utsusemi with sudden questions or fast-pace, the Dragon stubbornly maintained the expected poise and grace. No way was she going to let such rudeness ruin the sacred art of tea!

"But," Odorihime began as the conversation developed, "are you truly happy? Your husband does seem to be a distant one... not even accompanying you here in the last days before embarking on Hantei-no-kimi's exploration on his behalf."

Utsusemi could not deny in her heart that she was not happy. That she was miserable, and had not been happy for many, many years, as if the Heavens themselves seemed to conspire against her. She had thought she had a good marriage, but then the hands of fate had turned that against her too... forced by her husband to bear such shame she could never speak of. But, in the end, her upbringing, her honor, and the love of her children... she could not bring herself to confide any of it in her. "Well, surely, no one is happy all the time in a marriage, Miya-sama? Marriages are done for duty, and they have their ups and downs. I feel I am fortunate to have been married to a skilled and brilliant husband, who does not mistreat me and who looks after the children. We have both approached our union as responsible samurai, and we have found our balance through hard work and dedication."

Seeing that she could get nothing out of the Lady of the Golden Moon's words, the Mama Miya turned the conversation over to the reputation that had sprung up over the past days, speaking of Utsusemi's wordsmithing. And much to her pleasure, the Lady did deliver a fine poem.

"nakanaka ni
tokidoki kumo no
kakaru koso
tsuki o motenasu
kazari narikere"

On occasion the clouds
Do drape
In garlands on the moon
And do decorate it!)

The two ladies continued chatting on, as they began to speak of the upcoming journey, and Utsusemi agreed once more to assist Odorihime in chaperoning the unwed samurai on the voyage. After all, she had handled the Seppun girl with skill and grace, and as a married woman of impeccable manners, she was most suited to it. Seeing a small opportunity for her children, Utsusemi tried to press in, very subtly and sadly too meekly, a suggestion to find a suitable betrothal for her children... but she ended up apologising for bringing it up so soon, seeing as how her eldest was only five winters of age.

Act 1:
D1 EVENT EE Fear is the Mind-Killer. Fear 1: 2d10o10+6 17
D1 EVENT EE Witty Entree. Courtier (Manipulation)/Awareness. 1FR Doji Courtier (effect). +5 Poetry. 1 raise. TN 30: 7d10ro1o10k4+5 40
D1 EVENT EE The House of Flying Teacups. Tea Ceremony/Will. +1k1 Void. TN 20: 7d10o10k3 33
VIP: 12

Act 2:
D1 EVENT EE No-one is Innocent. Sincerity/Awa. 1FR Doji Courtier (+5 to roll)+1FR Ally (Odorihime, effect), Social Position. +1k1 Void. Cursed by Hotei x5 = TN 30: 6d10o10k5 33
D1 EVENT EE Reedming Qualities. Artisan: Poetry/Awareness. - Multiple School = TN 5. +3 Glory rank. 7 raises. TN 40: 10d10o9k4 51
VIP: 30

Act 3:
D1 EVENT EE A Look Into Resume #1. Intimidation/Willpower. TN 20: 2d10 6
D1 EVENT EE A Look Into Resume #2. Heraldry/Intelligence. TN 20: 3d10 14
D1 EVENT EE A Look Into Resume #3. Bushido/Awareness. TN 20 (pleeeeease, Orokos, pleeeease): 3d10 19
D1 EVENT EE A Look Into Resume #4. Investigation/Perception. Void for skill. 1FR from Talk Points (effect), 2FR from Ally (Odorihime), Obligation (Odorihime) (+10). TN 20: 3d10o10k2+10 20
VIP: 10

Total VIP earned: 52. Doesn't get to spend any because eff you Orokos.

Dragon Clan • Waifu • Poet • Sensational Artisan • Chadō Master • Courtier • Imperial Chaperone • Second Officer of the Kunshu Maru • Healer
Theme #5Profile

Honour: Exceptional • Status: 5.0 • Glory: 5.1 (Lady of the Golden Moon's Words)
Faith: Exceptional • Status: 4.0 • Reputation: 2.7 (Lady Uxue)
Languages: Rokugani, Merenaese
Has: Wakizashi, flute, notebook (new), small knife, satchel (contains medicine kit and paint supplies).
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:24 am 
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Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:19 pm
Posts: 398
EE Thread

Rokuro had already had a very bad day, in as much as the attentions of 'important' people had been concerned, so he hoped that at least now, by the end of the day, that he would have something more positive to enjoy.

Settling into Seiza, he waited silently for his appointment. When the time came, and the matchmaker arrived, he rose and bowed deeply from the waist, waiting until she had been seated to resume his own seat. Perhaps it was the morning he'd had, but the prospect of the matchmaker didn't overly concern him. He'd been aware that this was coming, on some level or another, for some time.

"Good evening, Miya-sama. I don't know about you, but I find this city certainly keeps one busy. You'd have to be some sort of Sparrow to recite all the events in detail. I'm honored you made time for me."

Her stern expression barely shifted, but his self-denigrating joke had stolen one of her jabs pre-emptively, and his disarmingly bland expression left her with no clear line of attack. So she signaled for tea; a shift in battlefield. To her exasperation, the Sparrow who had been so inept in previous days, shown so little promise in any other venue, was able to keep pace with perfectly average decorum. It seemed he wouldn't be sunk so easily.

Very well then. "Suzume-san, I don't wish to seem overly blunt, but you understand my time is limited, and you have given every impression of listening to whatever you are told. I admit, you've given every indication of being rather... out of your depth here."

Rokuro sighed, brushing specks of imagined dust off his knees, and then answered. "I likely have; I believe in sincerity, Miya-sama. Especially given courteously, the truth is a treasured gift. I strive to be honest, to be forthright. In many matters, I find myself at odds with those who would give an appearance disconnected from the reality." He tapped one finger on his knee, contemplating his words. "You could say I do not wish to excel in matters which I do not understand, and so I hamper myself with the added burden of searching for the truth in things, so that when I achieve my goals, I do so honestly."

The look she gave him was stone faced, and for a moment he wondered if he had gone too far. Then she said, softly, "So you believe yourself simply... overly sincere?"

"I wouldn't say there is such a thing as a surplus of sincerity, provided it is not false, Miya-sama." He took a risk, and glanced at her expression. "The truth is a valuable, if dangerous, thing. I would rather display trustworthiness through dutifulness in matters small than win fame through rare moments of glory in a crisis; I don't believe anyone who is only capable when on display can be trusted for a lifetime of service."

His glance was met with an arched eyebrow, and he turned his gaze back to the table. "Suzume-san, you seem to be implying that the other members of this expedition are not trustworthy."

"Iie, rather that their trustworthiness is not displayed in public grandstanding, but in moments of duty, stretching back through years. They would not be here, were they not trustworthy, ne?" Rokuro took a slow breath. "I believe in the judgment of their lords, and accordingly, I trust that they will be faithful to the duties laid before them."

Odorihime contemplated that, and then quietly scratched a line across a note she had written in a rather worryingly large scroll.

"What makes you think you are a worthy husband for such remarkable individuals, headed out into the unknown?"

Rokuro considered that in silence, and then finally said, simply, "I was surprised when the locals took note of my practice in the dojo. I guess I hadn't realized how even just a century could render a style so old. The Suzume technique is one you won't see often, because it has been developed by our diligence and practice, by a small clan. It is an old style, it hasn't changed with the trends, but it still works."

From her expression, the point of this little speech would need to come soon, so Rokuro stated, simply, "I'm here because my clan has a duty, one granted by the Emperor. We are guardians of one of his great treasures, and we have devoted ourselves to its defense. Under our care, it does not suffer invasion, and so long as our clan lives, it will not. We are often forgotten, easily overlooked, and we have no fame, but we are dutiful, and faithful in wealth or poverty, starvation or plenty. If my clan can gain any advantage in performing that duty by my coming on this journey, it will be well worth it."

A faint smile. "Whoever I wed will gain a husband who will be faithful, in not just the big things, but the small. That is the Sparrow way, to listen to the voice of honor which lives inside. I pray you will find one who might benefit from that, little though it may be."

He inclined his head. Humility, likewise, was the Sparrow way, and he did not carry on, detailing the hardships they had suffered or the victories he had won.

Odorihime gazed at him in silence, and then said, softly, "Thank you, Suzume-san. I'll send word when I have made my decisions."

A deep bow from the waist, and then he rose, leaving the room with quiet steps.


Fear is the Mind Killer: Passed http://orokos.com/roll/559173 ----> 2 VP
Witty Repartee: Passed http://orokos.com/roll/559186 ----> 2 VP
Teacup Airforce: Passed: http://orokos.com/roll/559188 ----> 2 VP

No man is Innocent; TN 20 void spent, : Passed http://orokos.com/roll/559199 ----> 3 VP
Redeeming Qualities: TN 50-20+10, special explosions, Kenjutsu(katana)/Awareness chosen: Passed: http://orokos.com/roll/559210 ----> 9 VP

Net total: 18 VP earned.

Step 3: I trust your Judgment (+20VIPS), paragon discount.

Sparrow Clan :: Kuge :: Disinherited :: Bushi :: Armchair-Daimyo :: Magistrate :: 'Agent of Justice' :: Captain of the Space Battleship Yamato
Status: 4.0 Glory: 2.6 Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Fan, faded Haori, sake cup

Description :: Theme :: Strife
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:29 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:11 am
Posts: 15

This couldn't be that bad, right? Of course, the other woman would have a good portion of Eri's future in her hands, and could essentially force her into misery for the remainder of her life when she returned, but surely she would be reasonable right? They'd take into account the wishes of those involved...right? Besides, they were both not just Imperials, but both Miya. Maybe they would be friends, best Miya friends.

Eri peaked up for a moment. The room had been silent for what seemed like forever. Sensing her gaze, it seemed, the other Miya glanced up from something she was attending to and made eye contact for just long enough to obliterate any hope of salvation Eri might have had. They would not be Miya friends.

"Erm...well, I very much appreciate having your guidance, Miya-sama. From my studies of other languages, it seems not many of them have a word like nakodo, it seems they're not fortunate enough to have one so well versed to act as a mediator for these things." she said, trying to be cordial. The elder Miya seemed to pause for a moment as if pondering the statement and gave the smallest of nods, a sort of acceptance of the statement. That would do, Eri thought to herself, at least it got a response.

From that point Eri felt as though she was doing alright. Even if she was feeling it a bit Eri did have a knack for moving fast when she needed to, and she definitely needed to in order to keep up with the conversation as well as follow all of the necessary steps pertaining to the tea in front of her. Luckily, she had been in these sort of scenarios a lot, and to an extent muscle memory took over. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning.

"So...Miya Eri-san, how...is your health?"

It was the simplest of questions but it made Eri pause with her cup partially raised. There was a definite moment of internal panic, eyes glancing up at the other woman, then away, anywhere but directly at her, then back again. From anyone else it may have just been perceived as politeness, but not here, there was a certain quality to it, a certain leading.

"It's..I've been well, Miya-sama." Eri responded in a soft voice, taking a small sip to hide her expression.

"Have you...? Because I would hate for such complications to interfere with a proper selection of a suitable spouse. Such things can hold a lot of weight in these arrangements."

"Y-yes Miya-Sama, of course." Eri agreed with a small nod. There was no question, from those questions, the Miya nakodo knew everything, every little detail, of each of their lives, she must. "For example, I am fortunate enough to have an aptitude for Iaijutsu, and my health doesn't seem to be impeding my abilities in practicing or performing in that regard at all as of late. If that's any indication, it shouldn't hinder any potential matches, Miya-sama; I hope to not inconvenience you with my occasional lapses in good health.

"Yes, well, before we begin in earnest, do you have any thoughts on the matter, Miya Eri-san? I make no guarantees as to exact matches to your wishes, but know that my selection will be one of the utmost diligence and assiduity. That being said, do you have any insights?"

With a shake of her head, Eri willingly put her fate in the hands of the very severe, very terrifying Miya nakodo.

Act 1:

Fear is the Mind-Killer, 2d10o10k2+6 v. TN 10- 11, Pass, 2 VIP
Witty Entree, 7d10o10k4+5 v. TN 25- 35, Pass, 2 VIP
House of the Flying Teacups, 7d10o10k4 v. TN 25 (1 raise)- 28, Pass, 4 VIP

Act 2:

No-one is Innocent, 6d10o10k5 (VP used) v. TN 25 (1 raise)- 25, Pass, 6 VIP
Redeeming Qualities, 10d10o10k4+2 v. TN 30 (2 raises)- 32, pass, 9 VIP.

VIP Total: 23

Act 3a: I trust your judgement +20 VIP

Total: 43 VIPs

Imperial | Miya | Diplomat | Sickly | Imperial Explorer
Status: 3 | Glory: 2 | Honor: Exceptional
Equipment: Wakizashi, Katana, Calligraphy Kit, Fan

Languages: Merenaese, Mekhem,Yobanjin,
Description | Theme
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:52 am 
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Posts: 1243
(Will elaborate!)
He was nervous, of course he was, but he was not afraid of Odorihime. He had faced enough trials to find himself worthy of being here and he would not give ground or show weakness. He only had to remember why he was here.
Fear is the Mind-Killer, 1 CR. tn 15+4: 17 4 VIP

Polite words were exchanged, likely too unimportant to be listed by anyone, then came the tea. He made the training he had received at the house of Aurora count and made a flawlessly dull ceremony. An exploit for an uncouth sailor of his ilk.

The House of Flying Teacups will/etiquette tn 20: 33 2 VIP

''I am not perfect, certainly. I was told I was boisterous and a braggart and I can admit to that...but that is the way of a sailor. We sail far and wide and spend only little time amongst others.'' he frowned ''We want to make that time count...not unlike soldiers really. Everytime we sail away we do not truly know if we will come back. While it does not happen often, the sea can be fickle and can claim even the best of us at a moment's notice. So the time we spend with our friends and loved ones we do it to the fullest for it is a gift we do not forsake.''
No-one Is Innocent. Overconfident, uses 2 FR to reduce TN by 10: 3d10o10k3 21 3 VIP

''But this is not my first voyage, I was born on the sea and I know how to ride it. Unlike fairweather sailors I have enough experience to know that I should never take things for granted and be meticulous in my preparations and my work.''
Redeeming Qualities: Sailing, 1 OR, 1 CR, TN 30 +7 to be added: 8d10o9k3 30+7=37 6 VIP
Total: 15 VIPs

''I believe you are aware that I have been spending some time with your daughter. Rumors have been weaved but they are a lie: I always treated Miya Suihime-sama with the utmost respect and I do think she will attest to that.'' He took a breath

''But I do want her hand in marriage. I believe she as a great potential and can change the world as we know it...I want to be the one that helps her do it''

He frowned, his face flushed lightly

''And I do love her''

Last edited by Gusai Susumu on Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

''Destiny unfolds''
Mantis Clan-Captain-Merchant-Shrewd Businessman-Naval-Leader of Men-Explorer- Ivindi Merenaese Mekhem
Miya Suihime wrote:
''...he was a paragon of courtesy...''

Status 4 (5 for mantis and peasants)/Glory 8.4/Reputation 4.3/ Honor: What is expected (GASP!)
Equipment (visible):
-always: Double Kama, wakizashi, jade finger
-when appropriate: light armor
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:01 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:32 am
Posts: 447
Sat across from the woman who held so many fates, so many cards, within her hands Kaiya remained still and matched the woman's attention to the moment. For quite some time within the room nothing moved, nothing stirred, and the sound of silence was so loud it was near deafening. Broken by the entrance of a servant with the tea and cups for the evening. Though they too caught onto the silence within the chamber quickly and seemed to hurry themselves when they realized they were incapable of matching these two women.

Following was a proper and respectful Tea Ceremony. Not one action out of place or folly too great. Not unlike a gentle, slow dance with it's grace. Silence, as it had been, was broken the moment the Ceremony began and Kaiya adeptly followed both the woman's instruction and advice. Not allowing it to become such an ordinary event the Miya Matchmaker, the mother of her beloved, kept the former Crane ever attentive to each detail of the situation and every time she tried to catch her off her guard with an oddly timed question the girl offered her silent, but proper, answer.

What of Kaiya's past that still haunted her was certainly not too much of a surprise for those in power. Little could be said on that, and for that, Kaiya's inability to speak was perhaps a blessing. Though she did offer Odorihime what assurances she could.

Beyond that it was time to brag, time to show of one's own accomplishments and for that she turned to her understanding of language. Even going so far as to have Sakia join her and to show Odorihime what enough to allow an understanding of just how much this woman was capable of understanding, creating. There was an intelligence and determination there that was quite impossible to deny.

Beyond that she put herself into the hands of the Matchmaker, the mother of the one she truly loved but could not marry. For if she could not choose Edogawa, it did not matter.


Act 1: Niceties [4 VIP Gained]

Fear is the Mind-Killer: 17 vs 10, Passed.
The House of Flying Teacups: 21 vs 20, Passed.

Act 2: Flaws and Fortes [15 VIP Gained]

No-one is innocent: 22 vs 20, Passed.
Redeeming Qualities: 35 vs 30, Passed. [28 +7 = 35]

Act 3: If Wishes Were Fishes... [20VIP Gained]

I trust your Judgement: Gain 20 VIP, Ability to purchase Paragon of Duty for 2 Less XP]

[39 VIP Gained, Overall]

Imperial - Kakita - Bushi - Duelist - Hero of the People - Mute - Sacrosanct - Imperial Explorer
Status: 3.0 | Glory: 7.0 | Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Flute, Jade Necklace
Language: Sign, Mekhem
Attendant - Isabella [Merenease, Mekhem]
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:22 am 
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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:48 am
Posts: 818

Ringo meets up with the Imperial Matchmaker. Compared to oni and explosive gaijin weaponry exploding in your face, she wasn't scary at all. He sits quietly a radiates an aura of calm as Odorihime converses. Next she brings up the incident with Moshi Rangen but he is able to pass that one off as just doing his samurai duty. Despite maintaining his On, he gets a little too involved in boasting about himself and the Realm of the Hungry Dead. Wait... what?

NaIlEd It...

He at least ends off on a good note by trusting his future to her judgement.

/ Act #1: Niceties
Fear is the Mind-Killer. Fear 1. 2 CR vs tn 20 = 32. Pass.
The House of Flying Teacups. Etiquette (Courtesy)/Willpower. 2 CR vs tn 30 = 38. Pass.

Act #2: Flaws & Fortes
No-one Is Innocent. Sincerity/Willpower. Void. 5k4 vs tn 20 = 25. Pass.
Redeeming Qualities. Etiquette/Aw + glory vs TN (50 -5*5). 9s explode. Void. TN 25 = 46. Pass but overshot.

Act #3A: If Wishes Were Fishes...

I trust your judgement.
+20 VIP. -2 xp for Paragon of Duty.

Total: +6+6+3+3-10+20 = +28 VIP

Crab * Bushi * Berserker * Large * Imperial Naval College * Evil Red Eye (L) * Struggling Pacifist * Promising Creator * Dangerous Beauty (at home) * Exp
Status: 1.0 * Glory: 3.8 * Reputation: 3.1 * Honour: Untrustworthy
Rokugani, Merenae, Mekhem
Carries: Daisho, Finger of Jade, Heavy Armour, Ink Brush Kit, Ono, Pistol
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:05 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:12 pm
Posts: 1325
Yasuhiro wasn't really looking forward to this, not because he was particularly against being betrothed, but because his grandmother was simply going to have a field day with this. Dressed in his more formal kimono he made his way to the meeting with Odorihime in the later hours of the afternoon, shortly after the meeting with Utsusemi and Akarei.

Making his way inside he paid his respects to the older woman before taking a seat, if she was scary in any way he hardly noticed, preoccupied with trying to make sure he didn't mess things up. I bet she's a dead fish in bed. Probably just sits there and takes it. The sudden lewd comment from his grandmother caused the young lion to start, shaking the tea cup that just passed his way and spilling some on the table. Be careful you lummox. Was the follow up comment as he apologized and attempted to clean the mess up.

He stopped though, when he noticed the frown on the Match-makers face and let the servants come over to clear the mess as they got down to business. Which was apparently his secrets. He didn't know how she knew he was always accompanied by his grandmother's spirit, she brought it up though, and it took some skilled convincing from the Lion, to make it sound like less then what it was. All the while, his grandmother was laughing in his head as Yasuhiro tried not to squirm.

They soon enough moved to a topic that Yasuhiro was better at, his strong points, of which his primary strength was Kyujutsu. Which proved to be something of a downfall, as he started to talk not only of his own skills, but his his future plans for training, his daily regime, and the points he thought he could improve. He talked for a long time, much longer then was necessary and it would be no surprise if Odorihime eyes started to glaze over. Hey boy, I think its time you stop now...

Finally they were down to the nitty gritty part of this whole affair, Yasuhiro was about to leave everything in the hand of the matchmaker when his grandmother spoke up in a shrill voice. Yasuhiro! You are not going to simply leave your marriage in the hands of this Miya! Now you Listen to me and tell her what I say! There was a decisive snort. First off it's about the hips, she needs to have good hips, better for healthy babies you know... There was empty look in Yasuhiro's eyes as he started to communicate his grandmother's demands to Odorihime, it would take a bit of time, but eventually they would finish.


Late Afternoon

Act 1:

Fear is the mind killer! MMtT: fear is the mind killer tn 10: 3d10o10k3+6 26 Pass 2 VIP

The House of Flying Teacups! MMtT: house of flying tea cups. Tea ceremony/reflexes tn 20: 4d10 10 Fail! - 1 VIP, Minor breach of etiquette

Act 2:

No one is Innocent! MMtT: house of flying tea cups. Tea ceremony/reflexes tn 20: 4d10 10 Pass 3 VIP

Redeeming Qualities MMtT: Redeeming qualities kyujutsu(yumi) tn50-20 (bishamons) 1 raises tn 35: 9d10ro1o9k4+2 70 Pass +6 VIP Too much Information -15 VIP = -9 VIP

Act 3A:

Grandma Insists: For the good of the lion I want it to be someone Important! 30 VIP for a Status 4 spouse.

Grandma Insists: That they should be healthy! Just with no disabilities, skeletons in the closet, horrible addictions or spiritual malaises, please 10 VIP

Total Expenditure: 40 VIP

2 - 1 + 3 +6 - 15 - 50 = -45 VIP

Last edited by Matsu Yasuhiro on Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Lion Clan | Bushi | Archer | Shireikan | Naval College | Blessed | Explorer | Disturbing | Proven Marksman | Jinn Touched

Honor: Exceptional | Status: 6.0 | Glory: 4.4| Infamy: 1.0 | Reputation: 1.7 | Notoriety: 1.1

Carries: Daisho, Kimono, Finger of Jade
When allowed: Yumi, Light Armor

 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:23 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:06 pm
Posts: 1661
Early Afternoon

The day had certainly been one of ups and downs. Kenzo felt that if he experienced any more emotional whiplash, he would surely faint. The thought made him chuckle dryly as he went to meet with the Imperial matchmaker.

And yet, as important in some ways as this was to his future, in many other ways, it mattered not at all. Kenzo met the matchmaker's stare respectfully, but resolutely, refusing to waver. What would be, would be, and he would not let the results control his future any more than he had to.

Still... it was difficult not to think of the possibilities, either opened up, or closed off. Kenzo was quiet, not to the point of rudeness, but merely thoughtful, as the tea was served, engaging only in simple pleasantries. He may not have been practiced at serving tea, but he was certainly present for many a tea ceremony. He smiled softly as he received his cup, his hands steady.

From there, things took, Kenzo felt, a decidedly strange turn.

"Overly devoted to science?" Kenzo scoffed. "My dear Miya-sama, there's no such thing! It is through my understanding of science that I seek to better myself, and for the general betterment of society. I think it could be argued that it is one of the highest pursuits, since by understanding the world, we are better able to understand ourselves." He was all too happy to expand on this, rather at length. But a glance at his host found when her eyes were just beginning to glaze over; he moved on smoothly, turning the conversation back to her.

Then the moment of truth arrived. Kenzo swallowed away his nervousness, ignoring the dryness in his mouth that was suddenly there, despite the tea.

When he spoke, his voice was clear. "Miya-sama. I beg of you." He inclined his head. "My career is only just beginning. I have high hopes of it, but they have not yet been realized. It is my firm belief that in just a few years, my potential can be realized. But not yet. And I feel that a match made now will not reflect that. Please. Give me the time." He kept his head inclined.

She would think about it. Kenzo sighed. Perhaps that would be enough.


The Tethering: Fear is the Mind Killer: 3d10o10k3+4 31 + 2 VIP
The Tethering: Flying teacups, eti/ref: 5d10o10k3 23 + 2 VIP
The Tethering: No one is innocent, VP spent: 5d10o10k4 32 + 2 VIP, clean slate
The Tethering: Redeeming Qualities, Lore:Nature (earth), 1 CR, TN 30: 8d10ro1o9k3 39 +4 VIP
The Tethering: 3B FATE! DESTINY! Lore:Nature(earth), VP spent, TN 40: 9d10ro1o10k4 41 - Betrothal Dodge!

Dragon | Bushi | Famed Naturalist! | Infamous Scoundrel! | Loves Animals | Naturalist-at-Arms
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 4.9 | Infamy: 1.0 | Reputation: 2.0 | Honor: As Expected
Languages: Rokugani, Yobanjin
Attended House of Dawning Light
Sturdy clothing, daisho, traveling pack, ink brush kit, fan. Pistols when not ridiculously inappropriate.

 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:12 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:10 am
Posts: 364
Late Morning-

Tori heads to the meeting with trepidation, mixed with a measure of confidence. Her combination of abilities, position, and proclivities give her a strong position to negotiate from, and there's no way Lady Odorihime hasn't matched a lady with her... 'preferences' before.

She makes her entrance with all due courtesy, her Doji training letting her balance the needs of attention, deference, and tea with all due elegancy, while still setting the mood as comfortably professional, in the safest of all ways; talk of the weather, a topic she slips in a controlled measure of her own mastery in to make it at least slightly interesting.

Odorihime begins going through her notes, in a manner Tori recognizes herself, as she does it sometimes; the paper is there to make people feel more at ease, like she's working off some sort of documentation, but this woman clearly doesn't need them, and is working primarily off of memory.

It begins with talk of her career. Her work with the Trading council. Her schooling. Her rise to captaincy, and station as a sensei. Though some of the specific names she brings up along the way strike her as odd. There seemed to be a running theme among them, but... how could she know... when the Miya gets to mention of Katarina, Tori has to speak up, questioning the relevance, but the matchmaker moves on.

To the matter of Moshi Rangen. Though Tori sugar coats her words, she makes no secret that the man was an incompetent who abandoned his ship and roped his crew into acts of terrorism and arson, and doesn't hesitate to point out she both saved his ship and was on the team that moved to protect targets more valuable than her own home.

How Odorihime found out about the time Sanjuro had to fish her out of the ocean after a failed experiment, Tori will never know, but she's been far more cautious about her experiments since.

When Odorihime brings up the apparent redundancy of her position at the naval academy when placed next to one Asako Hisau, Tori begins to unload when she is interrupted by one word.


The Crane opens her mouth, clearly to argue, but how do you argue that you don't argue?

But the conversation moves on, and the matchmaker lets up. There is a flow to these meetings, and both the positive and negative must be explored; Tori was expecting that. Prepared for that. She'd been trained how to work with a matchmaker, and how to present herself in a positive light. Even if she just rather botched some of that. She presents snippets of her work and studies in lay terms, quite effectively, playing up the scope of what is asked of her in the development of more sophisticated naval techniques, training, and technologies, primarily. Topics such as flight are deflected, though she does manage to divert that discussion into talk of a number of her side projects being of use to the Daidoji signal corps, and how her kites are useful in study of the weather.

Paired with subtle allusion to her preferences that should deflect the bulk of Odorihime's greatest concerns, Tori is confident she's put forth a strong case for not being married off just yet.

((Act 1:
Mind Killer: Fear: 2d10 11, plus honor makes 17. Pass. And I totally forgot about adding honor or I'd have called a raise. ^^U 2 VIP.
Entrée: Etiquette (Courtesy), Doji FR to decrease TN, Lechery invokes +5 TN, Nature as flat bonus. TN25: 4d10o10k3+8 26, pass! 2 VIP
Tea: Etiquette (Courtesy)/Reflex, Doji FR to decrease TN, TN15: 3d10o10k2 26, pass. 2 VIP

Act 2: If it must be highest-cost, then I choose Sworn Enemy (4), as the house explosion was a big deal. However, given some of the more sordid elements of Tori's history, her particular Lechery seems more apt, if I may choose that, using the TN of her highest-value disadvantage. Live-in gaijin lover kind seems like better blackmail material than being attacked. Chosen advantage is Leadership (6), assuming that the ranked advantages don't stack with themselves.
No-One: 1FR for Doji, 2FR for 3 ranks of status and Noriko as an ally. Sincerity (Honesty), 3FR- 1 for TN, 2 for points. TN15: 4d10o10k3 10, fail. -9 VIP, I'm blackmailed.
Redeeming: Lore: Nature/Intelligence, +Glory, 5R, TN45: 10d10o9k5+6 52. Yes! 18 points.

Act 3C:
Duty and Fate: Lore: Nature, reduce TN for great destiny and great potential, VP, TN30: 10d10o10k6 48, success.
+15 VIP total.))

Last edited by Asahina Tori on Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crane * Courtier * Distinguished Naturalist * Sailor * Imperial Naval Academy * Tinker * Lecher * Small * Honors Student * Captain * Sensei * Librarian of the Explorers
Status: 4.0 * Glory: 8.6 * Honor: 6.5 * Reputation: 4.1
Inventory: Wakizashi, Tanto, Fan, Calligraphy Set, Mirror, Pistol, Seagull Necklace
Rokugani * Thrane * Merenaese
 Post subject: Re: Mamma Miya: The Tethering [Event, LM-EE1]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:40 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:16 pm
Posts: 234

Koharu entered demurely, easily overcoming her anxiety in the moment and focusing on the interview ahead. Knowing the other woman's importance and intentions helped. Offering the usual greetings and courtesies the Crane focuses on making a positive impression. While she wasn't the greatest at large gatherings, one on one she tended to have a little more luck. The split of attention between tea and chatter didn't phase her either. Instead she makes small talk, asking about the Miya's family and what being the Imperial nakodo is like. Polite yet inquisitive chatter.

However, when the Matchmaker signals a shift to proper discussion of duty Koharu obliges.

"Hai, I have my shortcomings Miya-sama, but they are none that would bring any shame to my family or a husband. Ano, I need to learn to be more convincing and to have my voice heard when it matters... it is something I have struggled with, but I am trying." Which was not only true, but actually sounded as much from the Doji. When the woman moved on to ask about her strengths Koharu naturally turned to artistic expression. Offering a small painting of an Imperial procession from the city as a gift she spoke of her interest in natural landscapes, people going about life and great undertakings. That these things intrigued her most about the voyage that soon awaited the explorers. Overall the Miya seemed only slightly impressed, though the piece did an excellent job of conveying happiness. Koharu had thought she'd captured the woman's arrival well, but perhaps not?

When Odorihime seemed mostly satisfied with her understanding of Koharu she asked what the Doji wanted. This took a few moments of thought, even though she had hoped for the question. Looking up, meeting the Miya's gaze, she answered sincerely for herself in that moment. "I believe a betrothal at this time would be a potential distraction from my art, ano, and my work as Chief Taxonomist. My painting carries emotions, and as much as anyone sets them aside to serve, I do need to tap into them to lift my work to its highest potential. I instead off my word, my honour and my commitment to my Lord and the Explorers that I will remain, ano, fit for marriage. I believe that after some time to adjust to all the differences there are sure to be I will be ready for further change and keen to move on to the next phase of my life..."

She looks down and then back up to the matchmaker, unsure if she cared for Koharu's art. "O-otherwise there is a man who I work very well with, whether creating new things or refining ideas. He will also be part of the explorers."

When the Miya enquires she blushes slightly and looks down shyly. "A-Agasha Sanjuro-san. I have nothing but respect and admiration for him." Her feelings aired to the older woman she goes quiet and pensive, awaiting the verdict.


The Tethering: Fear is the Mind Killer: Pass +2VP
The Tethering: Witty Entrée (courtier or etiquette, same dice pool): Pass +4VP
The Tethering: The House of Flying Teacups: Pass +2VP
The Tethering: No one is innocent, VP spent: Pass + 2 VIP (+FR I didn't realise I had. Would have kept for +2 VIP, but didn't mention in description)
The Tethering: Redeeming Qualities, Painting 5 CR, TN 45: Pass (12-10) +2 VIP - Kakita Artisan 2 if possible. Emotional trigger: Happiness
My duty and fate are greater than that! Painting VP spent, TN 50: Trollokos - Off by 1 or pass ?
Otherwise I have someone special in mind - Agasha Sanjuro

Last edited by Doji Koharu on Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crane Clan Courtier • House of Shining Light • Ally of the Great Lady Doji Ayano • Another Doji (bland) • Benten's Blessing • Voice
Status 2.0 • Glory 7.9 • Honour: What is Expected • Description
Carries: Wakizashi, fan, umbrella (when raining), painting supplies
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