Iron Hearts: Kameyama Jima

The Original Purpose [LM6]
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Author:  Muhaki Zabieru [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

The Tortoise seethed in silent fury as the discussion about the Tarkhanate ensued. "To expect peaceful co-existence with the Tarkhanate is akin being locked in a cage with a tiger and expecting it not to eat you," he finally spoke. "You will only be able to 'coexist' until the tiger is hungry," his eyes moved from the two women to all those present. "The Tarkhanate is very much a tiger and do believe me, it hungers."

"Their priests blare from atop their temples, whipping their populace into an almost trance-like fanatism," he started describing. "Sure they might privately tell us that they are 'tolerant' but in practice, their tolerance translates better to a 'you will convert' than to a 'live and let live'," he paused to gauge everyone's reactions. "Make no mistake. They will never be our friends. Not in their current shape. Not when their dominant thoughts are of expansion and conquest. And this will not improve or change if we do not intervene. The khans will meet up soon and their way will be further set in those ideals."

"As Muhaki-san brilliant put, they have millions of citizens and a professional, well-equipped and supplied army. And do you know how they make sure to keep that despite the disparity of the peoples they rule over?" he smiled. "Well if you've strolled through Little Aqabah, you probably have noticed some stern looking people guarding the streets. Can't miss them, always with the same stern appearance, rifle in their hands," he eyed the assembled. "Mamluks. That is what they are called. The backbone of the Tarkhanate army and success. And you know how they make them? Rhetorical question, of course you don't or else you'd never entertain the thought of peaceful cooperation," he smirked. "They are taken as young boys, sometimes by will and much more times by force, and drilled mercilessly until the Tarkhanate is their only creed and until their rifles are like another limb to them. And then when they are older and ready to serve as Mamluks they," he gestured a scissor with his hand. "Can't have these people reproducing. Can't have them considering anything else than their country and the success of the Khans. Their lives have to be devoted to spreading and protecting the Tarkhanate."

"And I did not even approach the topic of slavery yet," he continued. "Would we really wish to peacefully work with a nation that embarks on such a heinous practice as slavery? Can we really speak about 'peace' when that is on the table?"

"And of course Gusai-san speaks of peaceful cooperation," he sentenced, ending his rant. "What to expect of a man?" an inquisitive inflection in his speech. "that can't, without the shadow of a doubt, restore peace to his own vessel. Peaceful cooperation with a tiger, that is what."

Author:  Miya Edogawa [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

"We all need to develop a respect for one another." Edogawa finally spoke up. "Beyond addressing whatever differences we may have with the local populace, we need to resolve whatever conflicts may exist within our group. We do not need to be united in interest, but we do need to support each other or, at least, not undermine one another. Signs of division might be used against us. Lack of unity may raise questions of our stability and purpose."

"We are beyond the horizon, a month from the mainland, likely more so. We need to work together and we need to work with the people of this island, to complete our purpose here and to prepare ourselves for wherever we may sail next."

Author:  Muhaki Berena [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Bellena began to speak in answer to Utsusemi before Zabieru spoke up. She nodded her head and listened carefully as he spoke and then to Edogawa in turn though her head tilted slightly at his suggestion.

"There is much room for concern as Zabieru has expressed. I would not go as far to say it is impossible... but yes, in essence agreement with the Tarkhanate will require some form of capitulation. On what grounds and in what ways are things yet to be seen. The Empire's eyes are not shut on this matter. There are many within the Tortoise, like myself, who have spent considerable time with these people. Much of their supposed barbarism seems strange to those from outside, but much the same can be said about Merenae or Rokugan or any of the other nations of the world. Each has their means of protecting themselves and expanding their interests through the use of force. That is why each of you must consider your own military capabilities in any decision-making process. Zabieru-sama's point of view is justifiable by the evidence that exists... as are other approaches." She nodded.

"As for how the faiths coexist on this island, that is largely a result of the willingness of both sides to respect the other's boundaries, and provide support in places where they find their interests to be the same. Both faiths are involved in caring for the poor and needy. The leaders of each respective faith try to work together with regularity in efforts that accomplish that objective. Many tenets within the two faiths are quite similar... and there tends to be grounds to work together in the name of compassion and service with regularity. Contentious matters are officiated over by the local authorities who have a greater understanding of the local conditions and seek to balance out the concerns of both groups." She replied.

Author:  Agasha Utsusemi [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Utsusemi rubbed the left side of her temple as she suppressed a sigh. It was a gesture seen several times aboard the Kunshu Maru when it seemed like tensions were rising high, or there was a particular problem not easily solved.

"I see..." she closed her eyes as she contemplated the words of the two Tortoise, trying to ignore the incompetency and idiocy of others. Utsu would rather build the temple some other place, if it meant honoring the decree of the Hantei as well as avoiding conflict with the barbaric Khanate. "Seeing as the Tortoise have a greater understanding of the local situation, as well as the Khanate and these people calling themselves the children of Shinjo," the mother of dragons still wasn't wholly convinced they were the Ki-rin, "I will defer to your expertise on the matter."

Shinjo-kami was said to be kind and compassionate... I have a hard time seeing how these people could be her followers.

Author:  Muhaki Berena [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

She bowed graciously but then shook her head slightly, "Your acknowledgement is most kind, but as I mentioned before I am merely here to provide context. If the leader of this expedition and my superiors within my clan wish for the temple to be built, then I will strive to the best of my ability to see it done, and have it survive as long as is humanly possible. I feel each of us most likely have our own agendas both personal and clan related that may come into conflict with others on this expedition. That is why I do not seek to impose my thoughts and perspectives on any of you. You must serve in the way that you feel best fits your own loyalties; personal and otherwise. A call for unity between such a diverse group of individuals is most likely impossible. I am sure that many of you will find fault in the actions I take in seeking to accomplish my objectives. And I will privately resent and seek to counter much of what you do that I feel to be counter-productive. Though I do hope for there to be room for each of us to build on in some form or another."

Author:  Gusai Susumu [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Susumu let out a grin

"Is that fear I smell Muhaki-san?" He asked, turning to Zabieru

"I suppose a tiger would give no respect to a dog who cower with its tail between his legs. Or it may be that, if the rumors circulating amongst the explorers concerning the quality of your character are true, they simply would not deal with a man if your nature."

The Mantis raised a questionning eyebrow before continuing

"But what else is there but cooperation? War? That seems contradictory after your warning about their military capacity...Or perhaps we should simply ignore them? Is this Tiger so daft that it will think it cannot see us if we do not see it? That would be most fortunate since we would only need to put a towel over our heads to guarantee our safety..."

He returned to a more serious Tone

"I do not believe anyone here suggests that we let our guard down but good relations and cooperation is the path we must take."

Author:  Miya Suihime [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

"Enough!" Suihime said firmly, moving closer from her point of listening to stand between Susumu and Zabieru, looking at each of them as she spokr. "You two are ship captains, placed in a position of responsibility, not children squabbling in a dojo! If you continue this petty arguments, I shall recommend to Hantei-denka that neither of you are responsible enough to be captains. Do I make myself clear?"

Her voice carried the authority of her Hantei bloodline, and the look in her eyes showed she was serious. She turned to the others, and said "please continue the discussion."

Author:  Muhaki Zabieru [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

The Tortoise rolled his eyes at the Mantis words, stifling a yawn at his petty attacks. What could he say to a man so clearly incompetent?

Before he could formulate a proper response, Suihime called for order and soon a small, sly, smile surfaced. "You are correct Miya-san," he cooed softly, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "I can see in you the qualities that make your brother such an invaluable ally, tempered with an authority truly fit for a captain."

"A once in a generation woman," he nodded, his eyes setting on Susumu for an instant - a fleeting glint of mischief in them- before turning back to the Miya. "Gusai-sama is certainly a lucky man."

Author:  Agasha Utsusemi [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

The snark of the Mantis was expected and predictable, but the Miya princess' outburst, raised voice, and assuming superiority over her fellow captains who were her equals... Utsusemi sighed an averted her gaze from the unseemly scene, obviously disappointed.

Author:  Doji Tsugiko [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

"It won't be necessary, Miya-san. Hantei-no-kimi has heard enough."

Tsugiko approached the crowd, with Jama and Yajinden not far behind. They had approached when the discussion got heated.

"He is displeased with the conduct of both captains who seem to be putting personal grandeur before the interest of the Explorers."

[Susumu and Zabieru lose 1.0 Glory]

Author:  Muhaki Berena [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Bellena's head bowed in deference as the collection of big shots approached the group.

Author:  Seppun Hinami [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Hinami also bowed to Jama and his personal entourage. She was fanning herself, covering her face behind it. Clearly both captains were not living to Hantei's-denka expectations.

This is what happens when you give too much power and station to minor clan members. Hmph... She thought.

Author:  Doji Haruka [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Haruka had been silent all along, witnessing the scene with legalistic condescension. She had informed the authorities of her earlier decision with regard to the duel and now was exercising patience and humility in the face of Imperial presence. Her thoughts on Tsugiko's intercession remained her own.

[Ghosted on behalf of the player who cannot post from phone.]

Author:  Miya Edogawa [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Edogawa bowed deeply to the Prince and his entourage and waited for more to be revealed.

Author:  Kitsu Keiji [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Keiji frowned throughout the various outbursts of the other officers.

"It's for the Admiral to decide such matters of policy," the Lion captain interjected at last. "Our personal opinions on this are meaningless. If the Admiral says the gaijin are our friends, we'll sing songs, drink and make friends with them. If he says they are enemies, we shall destroy them without mercy."

Author:  Seppun Hikari [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Hikari bowed deeply and reverently. The less than subtle back and forth that had just played out was one that had cemented her opinions accordingly, and she was not all surprised by the censure their betters delivered. A continuance in the Prince's presence was of course completely unacceptable.

Author:  Miya Suihime [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Suihime bowed deeply, taking a step back and allowing their superiors to take control of the matter, glad that it would be resolved finally

Author:  Doji Tsugiko [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

"The unity of purpose among the Explorers is foremost and no officer should be undermining the position of another in the Navy unless on legitimate grounds of Imperial Law and Bushido. Samurai of station should represent impeccable conduct to all those who follow them as their position in the Celestial Order is not only a privilege but also a great responsibility. Petty squabbles do not belong here. It is the Rokugani way to address mutual grievances through established conduct and have them resolved once and for all, without letting them fester and undermine the mission that was mandated by the Son of Heaven in an Imperial Decree last year and has carried us all to this place."

Tsugiko paused, her eyes in the air before her rather than on anyone in particular.

"Hantei-no-kimi has been made aware that one such grievance has been given due and proper course by Matsu Yasuhiro-san and has been considered sufficient to merit adjudication of a duel to first blood between him and Muhaki Zabieru-san. As per the decision of our accomplished saibankan and Emerald Magistrate of the expedition Doj Haruka-san this duel shall take place tomorrow, without delay that would jeopardise the integrity of corps. It is the will of the Imperial Admiral that the man found to be wrong by the Fortunes shall be demoted from his position in the Imperial Navy and replaced with a worthier samurai."

Author:  Hantei Jama [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

Jama had observed the scene in silence, letting his liaison to do the talking.

[PC time again]

Author:  Muhaki Zabieru [ Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Original Purpose [LM6]

The Tortoise's face was inscrutable. Once Tsugiko spoke about his duel he waited to speak and lowered his head in deference.

"I thank Hantei-no-Kimi for his decision in this matter," he spoke plainly. "I will be requiring a champion to defend me for unlike Matsu-san, I was not schooled as a bushi. As such I would like to ask Seppun Kaiya, first mate of the Walrus, to grant me the honor of being my champion."

"I ask her and not a member of my own crew, because the duelists that had been assigned to us, unfortunately, were lost at sea during their duty to protect the vessel. May one day we find them again safe and sound so we may thank them for their role in preserving the rest."

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