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 Post subject: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:13 pm 
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18.09.2017 - The forum is open for OOC chatting and asking GM questions. You can register with your character name or with an alias if you don't know who to play yet. We do not accept character submissions yet. Your PFs will be opened to you at some point, for now please play in public. :)

Tentative start of character submission - first week of October 2017. However, discussions on your character with the GMs can happen at any time prior to that.

Tentative game start: Mid-October 2017.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:12 pm 
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26.09.2017 - Returning players are now considered approved as their lingering issues have largely been sorted out. Since the size of the player cast has more or less shaped up, we can make predictions how long it will take to approve the rest of you. And since I promised a story contest and there might be a small pre-game in the week preceding the game, it'd be fair to give a shot at both of those for all players so I think we can start sorting out the least challenging approvals beginning 2.10. I'll just remind you that:

1. General guidelines how to make a character are here. Please be mindful of various new/modified mechanics organised in sections here and Rulings to be found here.

2. The application can be considered for approval only if it has both Sheet and Background. The Sheet is best done in this pattern for our ease in checking it swiftly. As for Background, there are no firm guidelines. Those can be bullet points, a unified chronological narrative, thematic sections, whatever you like and to the extent you like. The baseline is for the background to work both with the setting and what's on sheet. In case of any doubt or query, post them in your PF in the GM communication thread (however you've named it). Your draft versions of Sheet and Background are best posted into that thread too. We'll make separate threads of them in the process of approval.

3. If you are registered under your character's name you have your Private Forum. The ways to organise it can be found here. Beyond those guidelines, it's up to you how you do things in your PF.

4. Don't assume being approved on your own. We'll communicate it to you plain and clear. Once you are, you can post your own personal thread (yes, thread, not just one post) in here, sharing any kind of information you feel that's public about you. Additional pictures, important changes to your looks, daily outfits, changed whereabouts, else - you can update your thread there as game continues. If you're new to this, look how others do it for inspiration.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:10 am 
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1.10.2017 - Tomorrow we start handing out approvals for new characters.

Players might want to denote in their PFs (preferably on Sheet) their character's position on the Tradition & Progress spectrum, which are Very Traditional, Traditional, Neutral, Progressive or Very Progressive. If they do not do this before the start of the game, their family will determine it as outlined here.


Also, once you are approved (and at this point it refers to all returning characters), you can channel your creative energies toward exploring your character a bit more. Think about one of formative moments from your background and try to make an engaging story from it. Post it in your PF for brief setting consistency check, and if we okay it will be posted in the Stories section. It's of course optional, but there will be small, fanciful personalised rewards!

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:18 pm 
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3.10.2017 - With great majority of submitted characters returning and new now approved, I am estimating for a Pregame to start in 2-3 days. This will be based in Dragon's Guard City, so characters that start on Kameyama Jima won't be able to participate, though depending on several factors that may eventually be offered another pregame experience.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:44 am 
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5.10.2017 - Pregame is on.

Location-wise, it's limited to this forum. It's subforums are the sole places where you can start your threads during pregame.

Time-wise, please follow the guidelines here. Read them carefully before rolling in with the usual as it's not exactly business as usual in doing timeslots.

Weather is here.

Here you can find the sole event for pregame. Post your rolls and calculations in the event thread, whereas related role-playing is best to be done in dedicated threads in given locations.

Either assume you arrived in the city not so long ago (Explorer hopefuls), or have been in it for a time already (Explorers). As far as abodes go, returning players can have their places back if still available, though without the bonuses they yielded, for the sake of fairness for new players. Others may stay where it makes sense for them to stay for the time being. Find something suitable in location descriptions and if in doubt ask a GM.

Pregame will last until the beginning of the game, so you have like 10 RL days to use up those up to 12 slots. Don't hurry thus, take your time in designing fun threads. It will be joinable by whatever players starting in Rokugan get approved in the meantime up until the game start.

For now, the Pregame excludes characters starting at Kameyama, so mostly Unicorn. This will be rectified once I can approve a few.

Some things that could be useful for pre-game are still unwritten (Scorpion and Dragon writeups) and half-written (Recent Timeline). They will be progressively added, though the latter has priority since it's hard to debate recent events without knowing what they were. Just bear it in mind when broaching political subjects for the next RL day or so. I should be able to add info soon enough.

Some NPCs will be available for Pregame, but not all, and a bit later in RL terms (closer to the weekend). Ask a GM about those you're interested in having in a thread. Still, I'd like at least to put their public profiles up ahead of making them fully available for role-playing. Having that in mind, maybe schedule your meetings with them for the later timeslots.

Within reason, Pregame does not cost you money on meals, sake and such.

Have fun!

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:25 pm 
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8.10.2017 - It's possible to request an NPC.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:59 pm 
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10.10.2017 - The last year's timeline of events in Rokugan is more or less finished. Some minor entries may still happen if I recall a necessary detail but other than that this is it. If you wish to update your backgrounds in any way that could connect you to these events, make a note in your PF and I'll get to it.

Also, those of you who have rolled for the event but have not suggested cool titles yet, please do so. :)

The next thing on the list is Unicorn pregame.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:04 am 
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11.10.2017 - Unicorn Pregame is go.

You can find your threading space here, and your event here. Try to play among yourselves mostly, we may drop an NPC or two in the meantime, so follow what profiles come up. Iuchi Mahasin, the imam of the Purple Mosque, will be the first. Your generic calls for GM presence in your threads will be satisfied based on GM preoccupation with other stuff. Enjoy!

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:06 am 
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12.10.2017 - Since I am getting signals that the Pregame has served its purpose the transitional Day 0 will kick in today, and last for 3 RL Days, which means D1 happens on 16th. For Day 0 and remaining days in Dragon Guard's City we turn to time lapse mode of 8 slots per day. How to handle it will be posted in the Rulings section.

Pregame threads can still continue for a time, and they can still be made or joined and Pregame event can still be rolled for the next 24h since the beginning of Day 0 to accommodate late-comers.

Players are encouraged to modify their sheets with VIPs, Duty Points and Glory (here siglines too) they've earned in the Pregame event, notifying the fact that's been done in their PF, as recently gained Glory Ranks influence one of the outcomes of the D0 event. They shouldn't roll in the D0 events before it's done.

Story submissions will be allowed until the start of D1.

Concurrently with Rokugani D0 the Unicorn will have a specific adventure module run for them. This hinges on a bit more of Pregame meet-and-greet, event rolling and late joining of the remaining Unicorn players. The start of it will be announced separately.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:39 am 
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Day 0 is here.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:44 am 
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14.10.2017. - I've noticed that some players have it easier to go full steam into the game than others. If the latter is something the GMs can help address (like via a thread with an NPC or providing additional information/support) please let us know, in your PF or via PM or on Discord.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:05 pm 
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15.10.2017 - Day 1 will roll in tomorrow. Please use the time to catch up on Pregame and Day 0 events before I wrap them up.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:50 pm 
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16.10.2017 - Day One is upon us.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:48 pm 
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19.10.2017 - Some heads-up about D2. The day will roll over in about 8-10 hours, unless I drop dead uncontrollably into deep slumber, then it may be happening closer to US timeframe of 20th.

D2 will be the last on-screen day on Kameyama Jima. There may be some time more of downtime stay in the city before the expedition sets sail, but in game terms 'D3' is at sea. Hence during D2 we'll be completing crews and handling all pre-departure issues that need to be handled.

Selection of captains part 2 will be LM. EA will be a grand proclamation plaza thread, you should be there, it will set up the theme for the game more. EE will be - a hastened wedding! And LE+ - wedding party. While the latter two are not compulsory to attend, most if not all NPCs you want to reach and chat will be there. For the party we'll follow the model from the garden party - one central thread and smaller side-threads at whim in the same timeslot.

No global event is planned, you've had an overload on D1. Instead we'll be focusing more on role-playing and personal plots that need to be closed when we're still in Rokugan. But if you really-really want something structured, I'll cook it up.

If you have any questions related to that, please ask them at the Helpdesk.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:24 am 
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20.10.2017 - It's a new day!

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:32 am 
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21.10.2017 - D2 is the last on-screen day in the DGC. Do complete your equipment purchases. It may be sound to think about some protection for your priced possessions from elements and other hazards that may affect them during the voyage. On the plus side, you can use all your slots for the day, night included, without consequence. It's assumed you catch up on sleep the next day.

As far as further game organisation is concerned, please focus on securing an assignment to one of the ship and on doing all Commodore Station expenditures for ship perks before 'Day 3' (being 'Month 3' in reality) rolls in. PFs will be provided for ship crews on request. Use Crew Market and GM Helpdesk threads in OOC to sort out your doubts related to it.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:04 pm 
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22.10.2017 - As we prepare for the day change tonight or early tomorrow, please familiarise with the rules of this time lapse. We're sea-going!


In addition, Day 2 has been the last day of this session. It's okay to start spending your 4 XP from it, double that if you have that option from character creation, so you enter the next session more prepared/adjusted to new roles. The procedure is as usual: you post the changes you want, I go over them and if they're okay you update your sheets. Remember general rules for it in this context.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:22 am 
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Please try to finalise your Commodore DP designs of ships ASAP. DP acquired through this session's xp spending count in the pool. Until this is done, day change cannot happen.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:52 pm 
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Day change happened.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Status of the Game
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:00 pm 
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Ahead of schedule, please denote in your PFs what you're wearing on event days, what items you have on yourselves and how and where your personal things are stored. This is best done by updating your first post in Equipment thread with all the changes so far, and marking locations for your respective possessions.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
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