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 Post subject: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:45 pm 
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Bellena looked to the clock on the wall of the study as it approached the afternoon. She had called for a visitor to arrive in a few minutes, and figured she would go and meet him herself at the front door. She traveled down to the entrance and exchanged some small talk with the door man while she waited for her guest to arrive.

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
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Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:53 pm 
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He was there soon enough, with Nari by his side. Edogawa offered a bow in greeting and smiled.

"Good afternoon, Muhaki-san."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:58 pm 
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"Buenos dias Senor Milla. Thank you for coming." She smiled and bowed graciously. "If you'll follow me..."

She dismissed the butler's attempt to assist politely and lead Edogawa up the stairs and down the hall towards her room, "Enlightening conversation we had yesterday morning, yes? I had another interesting conversation last night with Prince Jama which helps clarify much of what we've been discussing over the past month or so... and thought it would be important to include you in on that conversation."

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:07 pm 
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"I would greatly appreciate that." he nodded. "With so many things going on, it would be nice to gain some clear understanding of at least one."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:38 pm 
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She opened the door to her room and invited him to sit. After both of them had taken a seat she smiled softly and let out a big breath through her nose, "There are some things I need to explain first..."

She paused for a moment while she tried to collect her thoughts, "Cornejo's attempt to supplant the King of Merenae, was undoubtedly something that he felt would help save the Kingdom from its gradual decline. Merenae is... in decline. It has no allies to speak of, while it does have connections with many places in the world. For centuries... its location across the seas from major powers like the Yodotai has kept it relatively safe and allowed it the ability to expand its merchant empire far across the world. Those times are coming to a close. Ever since the times of Muhaki and Teodoro there has been a rising power coming from the Burning Sands. The Unicorn... have expanded their territory at an extraordinary rate. This power has swelled to near uncontrollable levels."

She shifted in her chair, "This would not be potentially problematic if, like many generations before, the great powers of the mainland were landlocked as they have been in the past. But... ever since the times of Muhaki and Teodoro, once it was known the origins of the Unicorn clan... the Tortoise have been tasked by the Emperor with facilitating their return to the Empire by means of the sea. We have constructed a fleet, capable of carrying a large number of people across the oceans, back to their ancestral homes. This fleet is due to be completed within the next year. The Prince's choice to move the time of this Exploration to this moment, most likely makes a bit more sense in this context..."

She then continued, "But also... while this fleet was built for one purpose, it could just as easily be used for another in the future. The leadership of the Unicorn are currently divided... and there is one man of considerable power among them who would most likely use the resources we have created to bring about a considerable amount of death and destruction on the various nations of the world. He has set his eyes on Merenae... I believe it was in part a realization of the changing aspect of this world that led the original Xantellados to try and forge a connection between our two worlds in an attempt to preserve the Kingdom of Merenae and prepare it for the days ahead... but the fortunes of time were not in their favor at that moment."

After a brief pause, "It seems that a similar moment of crucial importance is upon us now... It is the Prince's desire that King Miguel should be removed from his position and a new King who can help tie our worlds together arise in his place. My lord, Muhaki Saionji has declared his candidacy to Jama and has received his tentative approval, promising to restore the Cornejo line to their rightful place as Dons of La Corna. Saionji is the son of Hantei Muhaki and the Lady Sadahako... and as strange as it may sound is now the head of the next generation of Xantellados.... and in another strange twist of fate... you have another Quijano sitting before you inviting you to participate once again in a plan which may be the only way to preserve the Kingdom from certain destruction."

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:59 pm 
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He sat and listened carefully to everything as it all was made clear.

"That is.. a lot to take in." he chuckled. "The Crown of Merenae, the Throne of Rokugan and the leadership of the Unicorn all in question and each potential sources of conflict. Each situation affects the others, as unification would create an undeniably strong position.

"I may have spoken with the spirit of the Emperor yesterday." he added with a hint of sorrow. "He regretted that his children were at odds and I promised that I'd help them find their way. I don't know if I can, but I will try. The rise of Xantellados seems like it may actually be the best way, though certainly not the easiest."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:31 pm 
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She nodded, "Fortunately for us... things are moving even without our understanding beforehand. Miguel is a paranoid man as I told you... but it appears his fear of the Xantellados has perhaps caused them to be reborn once again. My brother is currently a prisoner of the King. The Quijano's under my and my mother's direction would side with the effort to free him. Xavier's family has already moved their forces to the island... seeking vengeance against the King and redemption for their mistakes in the past. The Almerias as well, because of their connections to Rita and the unfair taxation of their holdings by the King... will side with the effort to remove him from power. The Quijano's have never been known to be a radical group. We are the peacemakers of our realm so I hope this can all be accomplished and maintained with as little bloodshed as is humanly possible. The question is then to whom this is all entrusted after Miguel is removed..."

She paused, "It is Saionji's desire to see that the Hidalgo of Merenae are made into bushi of the Empire, and the Tortoise expanded into a Great Clan. By integrating with Rokugan, we hope to protect both countries from the more violent elements of the Tarkhanate. There will undoubtedly be differing voices on who should lead the country going forward. I do not expect Xavier and his family to submit easily to talks of peace an integration... His family has many axes to grind with those he feels have done him and his ancestors wrong. He also believes that the Unicorn are a threat and must be completely exterminated... or at the very least reduced to next to nothing. He does not believe in the vision of the Hantei to reunite the Unicorn with the Empire. That is why I have chosen to speak with you first and hopefully discuss with you our vision so that you can help to include Xavier in it."

She continued, "Saionji's position is somewhat precarious. He is a Don, and well respected... but is a man of many worlds and there are conservative elements within Merenae that would resist his rule. It is our intent for Saionji and I to wed. Creating a bond between the Xantello line and Quijano line, just as was proposed by Teodoro 50 years ago, which would help integrate a larger portion of both the conservative and progressive elements of Merenaese society... to help ease that side of the integration in smoothly. My family was never a persecutor of Xavier or his people, and we would not elect to be so going forward either. His people, however, have been betrayed in the past by men like King Miguel. I doubt he will trust us either... it would be strange if he did so. But I still feel that stability is what is necessary to make this transition work. And Saionji's plan provides that. And I would see to it that our promises are kept."

She then let out a sigh, "And as for matters with the Unicorn as well... Saionji is a friend of both of the Khans. His presence as King would serve in the protection of Merenae greatly. The Prince has requested the Tortoise to scale back our interactions with the Unicorn, and allow for the Explorers to function as his ambassadors to them in the coming year. We have agreed to this request from the Prince and would stand ready to assist in any way possible to ensure that the dreams of Muhaki, Teodoro, and the Hantei Emperors would all be respected while reducing the amount of bloodshed and turmoil to the very minimum it can be. For me... this seems to be the best path forward. Even if it is fraught with peril... I see great potential here. Even more so if we can help convince as many people of the validity of our goals as possible."

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:50 pm 
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Edogawa listened quietly again, nodding thoughtfully from time to time.

"A Great Clan not founded by a Kami is unprecedented and will be controversial, even among progressives. It's origins coming from the Hantei line will help, however. I would still like to meet Muhaki-sama at some point. It would be nice to meet my cousin." He paused in thought. "There will be some issues with the Mantis, I imagine, and every clan will want modernization of their fleets, even those who don't have one. The Tortoise will need more allies on the mainland."

"The Unicorn would be ideal for that, once their return to the Empire is complete. The Prince's request aside, it would be best to maintain relations with them. They'll need allies in the Empire, as well. It might also be good to reach out to the Dragon, given the Tortoise connection to Agasha Kasuga. The Scorpion and the Crab could be potential allies. he paused again. "It will be interesting to see what happens with the Phoenix. Regardless of which Prince ascends to the Throne, I expect the stigma against shugenja will diminish. That was a necessity for Ricardo to keep his heritage and faith secret. It will be difficult to appease the Isawa, however, and bring them back into the Empire. There are so many things to consider...."

"As for Xavier, I believe he is sincere in wanting redemption from his family's betrayal. He'll certainly be dubious of some of these plans and will outright reject others, but he'll listen. He'll want something out of all of this. Understanding what that is will help win his trust. We can all gain from this. And, we have much to lose without it."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:07 pm 
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She nodded as he spoke. "There is indeed much to consider. I feel that to some degree we have some potential pull with the Dragon and Phoenix if need be. I believe a portion of the Dragon contingent that has been here are planning on returning to the mainland. I hope that they will be successful in helping build ties between us and the leadership of the Dragon. My lord is also considering putting a former Phoenix woman, Muhaki Ran, as the daimyo of the Someisa family. There are paths to a friendship with them that could be forged through our new responsibilities from the Hantei. I spoke with Shosuro Anzai this morning on this topic as well... and it appears he will be continuing on with us. But as for his clan back home, I do not have many connections. The Mantis will undoubtedly be displeased, but they are easily enticed by coin if need be... stability across the world and increased access to a global market could be a possible angle by which an agreement could be met. The harsh reality of the Empire's expansion is that the bureaucracy will have to change in some form to fit the new scale of the territory it controls. There is no one besides the Tortoise that can adequately integrate Merenae into the Empire... and to exclude Merenae would result in its ultimate destruction."

She paused, "The Unicorn as well... will need experienced hands to help guide them through this process. They have good young leadership up and coming in the future. Individuals who are interested in unification without domination. Our friendship with them will be most influential for both them and us."

She tilted her head slightly before saying, "I can arrange a meeting when you would like with Saionji. I've spoken with him about you in the past. He should be here this evening for the ball. Are you planning on attending?"

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:31 pm 
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"I still need to secure my attire for this evening, but I should be there." he nodded. "I suspect my sister will be heavily involved in matters regarding the Unicorn and the Mantis. Whereas, I would be best at Muhaki-sama's side. The Imperial families will need to adjust and expand. The most significant opponents will be the Lion and the Crane. The Lion may never accept so many changes to their traditional view of the Empire. The Crane, however, are dealing with internal conflict. Much will depend on how that resolves."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:51 pm 
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She nodded, "I can only hope the Crane emerge ready to bring peace to the Empire as they often have... and as for the Lion... I would hope their loyalty to the Throne would help keep them tightly in place to some degree. They are crucial to countering some of the more violent elements of the Unicorn and other powers in the world. Radical instantaneous change would most likely create problems, but gradual and careful integration is possible I believe."

Her face took on a serious look, "Which is why it is so important that Merenae emerge strong and stable in the days ahead; so that we can contribute to the Empire and become proper servants that earn the respect of the other clans. Any change to our status would happen when the circumstances allow it to. Never to be forced... but also never to be neglected. It is the Hantei's desire to unite all eight corners of the world. And we must do so carefully; remembering the past and slowly adjusting to the needs of the present. Pressing forward without caution towards some imagined future is likely to end in catastrophe."

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:17 pm 
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He nodded again.

"That is all very true. My hope is that success in Merenae and especially success with the Unicorn will shift the balance in the Empire strongly in our favor. Beyond a show of force, the resources and knowledge that would be brought to the Empire would be undeniable. The potential gains for every clan would be difficult for even the lion to ignore and their role as the Right Hand would become even more necessary and significant. They might still object, but they would not abandon their duty."

"Regardless, the Empire has changed and will continue to evolve in one way or another. Some things simply cannot be undone." he sighed. "This is what my mother feared so much. I doubt she expected the magnitude of it all, though."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:24 pm 
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She smiled slightly, "I would never say this to a Lion... but even Matsu was a Yobanjin once. Admittance into the celestial order is granted by the Imperial Family based upon dutiful service. I hope that eventually there will be a time when all members of the Empire can accept that."

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:39 pm 
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"The same is true of all of the Fortunes and everything else beyond Amaterasu, Onnotangu and their children. The Empire was defined by the Kami and continues to be defined by the Son of Heaven." He frowned. "I am not sure how the Empire will feel if they learned that the last Emperor may not have ascended to the Heavens, though."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:43 pm 
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Bellena tilted her eyebrow.

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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:35 pm 
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"As I said, I may have spoken to his spirit yesterday." he shrugged. "I am fairly certain I did, considering the things he said. I said something about seeing his mother in Tengoku. He said heaven was not what I thought it was. I think he meant for him. He did suggest that Kharsis might take me to see him again, someday. He was baptized and lamented that his sons were not. I do not think he ever took to Rokugani faith. How could he, when he isolated himself from everyone, especially our priests? I am happy he found his own way, but I wonder what it means for the Son of Heaven to refuse it."

"It's strange." he added. "I mourn for him, as my Emperor and as my son. But, I'm not sure how to do that."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:38 pm 
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Bellena was overwhelmed a bit by what Edogawa told her and didn't know how to respond at first. "Wh-where did you speak with him?"

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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:46 pm 
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"In the mists." he replied. "I saw him once before as we passed through. I think that may have been when he passed. I actually had a conversation with him this time, before he moved on. It could have been something else. A trickster spirit or something more malevolent. But, I don't think it was."

"Mind you, this cannot become public knowledge unless the Prince wills it."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:50 pm 
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"Have you told him?" She asked.

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 Post subject: Re: El Espíritu de Cornejo (D10, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:34 am 
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He shook his head. "I haven't had the chance. We were exploring until late yesterday. Then, there were the rescue efforts this morning. We've never discussed my reincarnation, either."

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
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