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 Post subject: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:48 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:58 am
Posts: 3783

Much has happened in the Empire since the Imperial Explorers were founded over a year ago. The Corps has evolved with it, swelling in numbers in preparation for the First Voyage, and its various members have quietly assumed positions transcending their former fame acquired as students, who now desire to be famed for their more recent accomplishments. There is also young blood that aspires to be known and recognised as worthy to advance in the Corps and determine its future goals. As they all gather in Dragon's Guard City, now is their time to show the world what they are made of, and make a name for themselves.



  • Over the three days of Pregame, you can make one Skill Roll a day in any slot in any location. It can be done off-screen, then both the timeslot and the location need to be posted in this thread, though you are encouraged to incorporate your effort into the role-playing experience. If you are not entirely sure how it could work in the environment that is Dragon's Guard City, do ask GMs for feedback!
  • It can be any Skill Roll as long as you can provide a good explanation what you are going to do by using it. Please denote all your special mechanics (Advantages, Disadvantages, Techniques, etc.) affecting that particular roll in the appropriate box in Orokos. Please carefully denote all the Free and Called Raises applied to the roll.
  • The TN of every such roll is 20.
  • You add your Glory Rank to the total of every such roll.
  • You can choose the same Skill more than once, but you have to call an additional Raise each time you do so over what you've rolled last. So first roll of the same Skill is without this penalty, second requires 1 Called Raise for no other effect if the Skill stays the same, third requires 2 such Called Raises. You don't suffer those penalties if you roll three different Skills.
  • For simplicity, we assume that materials needed to perform the feat behind the Skill Roll are provided, within reason.
  • For the purpose of mechanics that have the Session timeframe, whole Pregame counts as one Session.
  • The final score will be determined by the sum of your successful rolls (1 point for a basic success) and all your effective Raises from all three rolls minus your Glory Rank. Those more famous need to try harder to keep or alter their reputation as their moves are more carefully watched and more is expected of them. New to the Explorers have it easier to amaze.
  • The basic roll or with just Free Raises fails without penalties. Rolls with Called Raises that fail generate a negative score of the amount of those Called Raises. E.g. if you have Glory Rank 2 and rolled 32 with 3 Called Raises and no Free Raises, you've failed with a -3 Score for that particular Roll.
  • Great Destiny and Dark Fate can be used to add 1 Free Raise to any of these rolls. This counts as their use for the Session.
  • For every increment of 10 by which you exceed the final TN of your Roll you get a Free Raise on your next Roll. If it occurs on the last Roll, you just add +1 per each such increment to the final score.
  • You can discontinue the event at any point but the incomplete score still counts as final.
  • This and probably only this time in Rokugan, roll-enhancing magic is allowed without social repercussions as long as it is not spammed onto other players. It is assumed that spellcasting happens out of public eye or is sufficiently excused.



You'll be acquiring a reputation! This is a fluff tag to go into your signature derived from the skills you've used for this event with liberal application of GM creativity, in collaboration with you. Consider it a way to define the identity and role of your character a bit more. You can fit your current preferred reputation into the framework with some effort in Skill selection. It can be anything from Smooth Operator to Fearless Spelunker to Scourge of Octopi to Voice of the Wilds, and by this you'll be known. Be mindful that 'Dark' features (Not just Dark Fate, but also Consumed etc.) and Low Skills used for the Rolls can colour the reputation toward notorious.

However, the tricky part is that it comes with a preceding word depending on your final score. Those below are examples, their linguistic equivalents are fine if you have a better idea.

  • -3 and less - Hopeless...!
  • -2 to 0 - Mediocre...!
  • 1 to 3 - Promising...!
  • 4 to 6 - Remarkable...!
  • 7 to 9 - Amazing...!
  • 10 to 12 - Exceptional...!
  • 13 and more - Great...!

What you gain in real terms?

  • Twice the number of Veritable Influence Points (VIP) of your final score. It is ignored if it is negative.
  • The number of Glory Points equal to your final score. It turns to Infamy if it's negative. It also turns to Infamy if the reputation is acquired by non-negligible use of Low Skills and/or 'Dark' features mentioned above.
  • For every full 5 points of your final score, you acquire a Duty Point.
  • ...and a fanciful reputation among the Explorers, plus whatever future role-playing opportunities may come with it!

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:06 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:06 am
Posts: 528
The redhead sat in her personal room in front of a small brazier. Her mask was placed beside her, in more ways than one. She had a faint smile on her face as she lit the incense. "I seek your boundless clarity to increase my own insight for the coming hour."

One of the kami made its presence known to her very soon. It flared the offering to signify its presence and then began to speak at an rapid pace. "This is the two-thousand, eight-hundred, thirty-third time you have used incense in summoning me."

"Karushiferu," she stated, "It is a great honor to speak with you once again."

"Yes, yes. I am sure that I do not need to remind you how many times you have spoken that phrase."

She suppressed her annoyance. A random fact such as that was not something she retained. Instead, she was more concerned of losing the kami's attention. "I gave forth this offering because there will be no physical destruction in the coming hour. Instead, we will burn away the ignorance plaguing this city."

"Very well, but only because I will it." The priestess gave a nod of affirmation and reached over to the mask. Karushiferu's blessing imbued the item with the clarity that the woman had been seeking. And with the prayer done, she replaced it upon her face and stepped outside to spread her knowledge to those who would listen.


(Pre-Game) D1 Mental Quickness for Event, TN 15, VP Spent: 6d10o10k4 27
(Pre-Game) D1 Spellcraft for Event, TN 30, 2 CR, MQ Active, VP Spent, Glory 2: 10d10o10k6+2 58
3 (1 Base, 2 CR) Points gained. 2 FR gained for next roll.

(Pre-Game) D2 Mental Quickness for Event, TN 15, VP Spent: 6d10o10k4 29
(Pre-Game) D2 Divination (Astrology) for Event, TN 30, 2 CR, MQ Active, VP Spent, Glory 2, FRs spent for Effect: 9d10ro1o10k6+2 53
5 (1 Base, 2 CR, 2 FR) Points gained. 2 FR gained for next roll.

(Pre-Game) D3 Mental Quickness for Event, TN 15, VP Spent: 6d10o10k4 37
(Pre-Game) D3 Lore (Theology) for Event, TN 30, 2 CR, MQ Active, VP Spent, Glory 2, FRs spent for Effect: 8d10ro1o10k6+2 47
6 (1 Base, 2 CR, 2 FR, 1 from Increment of 10) Points gained.

3 + 5 + 6 - 2 (Glory) = 12 Points

Last edited by Yogo Akarei on Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Scorpion | Vassal (Tansaku) | Jade Yoriki | Diviner (Astrology) | Blessed by Fire | The "Flame of Piety" | First Officer of the Yamato Maru
Status: 3.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Languages: Rokugani
General Theme | Stargazing Theme | Battle Theme

Typically Carries: Robes, Mask, Fan, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Divination Kit, Paper Wards
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:13 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:22 pm
Posts: 1687
D-3: Pass 4 raises
D-2: Pass 4 raises and beat TN by 10.
D-1: Pass 3 Raises

Total Points: 5+6+4-1=14 "Great"
28 VIP
1.4 Glory
2 Duty Points

Last edited by Muhaki Berena on Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:47 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:10 am
Posts: 364
It's a funny thing, when life develops a rhythm, when it begins to flow. Even as the first great adventure draws near, Tori still spends much of her days teaching her students. A good life, and she prepares them well, but some of them are nearly ready to move on, to a larger world.

A task one trained by the Doji is well equipped to help them with, through the connections to help them find a tomorrow where they can help build the Empire of tomorrow.

((Lore: Nature, VP, 4R+FR for Great Destiny, +5 Glory, TN40: 10d10o10k6+5 53. Pass. 6 points, 1 free raise on next roll.

Lore: Nature, VP, 4R+FR for no effect from prior roll, +5 Glory, TN40: 10d10o10k6+5 51. Pass. 5 points, 1 free raise on next roll.

Courtier(Manipulation), VP, 1R+Doji FR+FR from prior roll, +5 Glory, TN25: 6d10o10k4+5 26. Pass. Barely. 4 points.

6+5+4-5=10 points. Exceptional. +20 VIP. +1 rank of glory. +2 Duty points.))

Last edited by Asahina Tori on Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crane * Courtier * Distinguished Naturalist * Sailor * Imperial Naval Academy * Tinker * Lecher * Small * Honors Student * Captain * Sensei * Librarian of the Explorers
Status: 4.0 * Glory: 8.6 * Honor: 6.5 * Reputation: 4.1
Inventory: Wakizashi, Tanto, Fan, Calligraphy Set, Mirror, Pistol, Seagull Necklace
Rokugani * Thrane * Merenaese
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:49 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:37 pm
Posts: 649



1) D -3 Courtier/Awareness 7k4; +0k1 Benten's; +1k0 Prodigy; +1k1 Void; +2 Glory - 46|pass [TN 30; 2CR; 1VP]
2) D -2 Etiquette/Awareness 7k4; +0k1 Benten's; +1k0 Prodigy; +1k1 Void; +2 Glory - 68|pass [TN 30; 2CR; 1VP]
3) D -1 Perform: Oratory/Awareness 5k4; +1k1 Voice; +1k0 Prodigy; +1k1 Void; +2 Glory - 40|pass [TN30; 2CR;1VP]
  • 1 FR

Final Score: 12 [3+6(CR)+1(FR)+3(FR)+1(FR)-2(glory)] Exceptional!

+24 VIPs
+1.2 Glory
+2 Duty Points

Last edited by Seppun Hinami on Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

*Imperial *Kuge *Courtier *Wealthy *Blessed *Beautiful Voice *Cursed *Superintendent for Kameyama Jima *The Spider Queen
Honor: What is Expected|Glory: 3.9|Reputation: 2.7|Notoriety: 1.8|Infamy: 0.0|Status: 5.0

Languages: Rokugani
Carries: Traditional Clothing, Extravagant Furisode (Usually), Extravagant Jūnihitoe (Very Formal), Wakizashi, Tanto, Calligraphy Set, Personal Chop, Exquisite Jade Pendant
Mon: Seppun, Otomo
D13 Theme

Since D6 LA accompanied by Megumi, a Rokugani ronin translator.
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:04 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:34 pm
Posts: 724
Day 1: Courtier (Gossiping) (Hiding I am the source, no raise required. Awareness 4, Courtier 6. Gossip emphases. 10k4, spending VP, Benten's Blessing, 10k6. Making 3 raises to TN 35): 10d10o10k6 43 +2 glory makes 45, 1 FR used for effect
Rerolling the 1 on Gossip, as per Emphasis roll: 1d10o10 5 (Does not change initial roll) Points scored: 5

Day 2: Etiquette (Awareness 4, Etiquette 6, Benten's Blessing, 3 called raises to raise TN to 35, 1 VP Spent): 10d10o10k6 38+2 Glory makes 40 Points Scored: 4

Day 3: Sincerity (Deceit) (Awareness 4, Sincerity 4, Benten's Blessing, 3 called raises to TN 35, VP Spent): 9d10ro1o10k6 58 +2 glory makes 60 Points Scored: 4 (+2 for 23 over TN)

Final Score: 5 + 4 + 4 + 2 - 2 (Glory): 13

Anzai is EXCEPTIONAL. No wait. He's GREAT!

Glory: +1.3
VIP: 26
Duty Points: 2

Last edited by Shosuro Anzai on Fri Oct 06, 2017 6:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

Honor: Honorless Dog, Status: 2, Glory: 5.8 - Reputation: 5.2 - Benten's Blessing - Dangerous Beauty - Lechery - Evil Eye - Unlucky 1 - Language (Merenae, Mekhem) - Darling of the Court (West Port) - Courtier - Scorpion - "The Rose Whisperer"
Carries on person: Wakizashi, Tanto, Gaijin clothing
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:11 am 
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Joined: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:45 am
Posts: 487
-D1 Morning at Moshi Wharf: Etiquette (Courtesy)/Awareness. 3 Raises, TN 35: 51 - 4 Points - 1 FR next Roll
-D2 Morning at Waterfront: Int/Craft: Shipbuilding, FR. 3 Raises, TN 35 - FR = 30: 38 - 4 Points
-D3 Morning at Waterfront. Int/Sailing. 2 Raises, TN 30.: 41 + 5 = 48 - 3 Points + 1 from Over 10 = 4

TOTAL 12 Points - Glory 5 = 7

Last edited by Gusai Wataru on Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

Mantis • First Officer of the Walrus • Courtier trained • Sage • Lechery • Paragon of Success • Gentle Windjammer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.4 • Honor: Exceptional • Reputation: 2.1

Carries: Daisho, Pistol, Light Armor, Personal Seal, Pillow Book, Fan, Coin Case, Jade, Parchments and Coal
Languages: Broken Merenaese and Rokugan
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:22 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:05 pm
Posts: 513
D1: (Pre-Game) D1 Mental Quickness, TN15: 7d10o10k4 26
D1: (Pre-Game) D1 Spellcraft, 2 called raises, +1k1(mental quickness), +4(mental quickness), +2(Glory), +1k1 (VOID), TN30: 10d10o10k6+6 48 (+ 1FR for next roll)
3 points

D2: (Pre-Game) D2 Mental Quickness, TN15, VOID: 8d10o10k5 30
D2: (Pre-Game) D2 Lore: Rokugani Snacks, 2 called raises, 1 free raise, +1k1(mental quickness), +4(mental quickness), +2(Glory), +1k1 (VOID), TN30: 7d10o10k6+6 37
4 points

D3: (Pre-Game) D3, Jiujutsu, 2 called raises, VOID, +2 glory, TN30: 7d10o10k5+2 47
4 points

Total: 9 points (11 minus glory)
+18 VIP
+0.9 Glory
+1 DP

*Forgot to include Sage in the description roll for D2's lore roll.

Last edited by Seppun Hikari on Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Imperial • Kuge • Shugenja • (Junior) Jade Magistrate • Happy-go-Lucky • Glutton • Sage • Wealthy • Cursed • The Amazing Monkey Princess: Saruhime
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 2.9 | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 2.0 (crazy fire witch) | Honour: Exceptional
Carries: Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Jade, Snacks, 2 small statuettes
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:25 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:36 pm
Posts: 1243
Day -3: D0 event: commerce/intel. 2 cr, void tn 30 (+7 to be added)45+7=53 (3 points and 2 FRs for next roll)

Day -2: D0 event: Sailing/intel. 2 fr, 2 cr, void tn 30 (+7 to be added): 56+7 =63 (5 points and 3 FRs for next roll)

Day -1: D0 event: Etiquette/Awareness. 3 FR, void tn 20 (+7 to be added): 22 (4 points)

Total: 3+5+4-7=5


+10 VIP, +0.5 Glory, +1 duty point

''Destiny unfolds''
Mantis Clan-Captain-Merchant-Shrewd Businessman-Naval-Leader of Men-Explorer- Ivindi Merenaese Mekhem
Miya Suihime wrote:
''...he was a paragon of courtesy...''

Status 4 (5 for mantis and peasants)/Glory 8.4/Reputation 4.3/ Honor: What is expected (GASP!)
Equipment (visible):
-always: Double Kama, wakizashi, jade finger
-when appropriate: light armor
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:03 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:24 pm
Posts: 1235
A better tomorrow. That is the promise of the Ahitae Maru. It would not be the most prominent ship of the fleet, but Edogawa was determined to ensure that it was shining symbol of progress.

Finishing Touches and Repairs 3 points
M -3, What's in a Name?, Craft: Shipbuilding/Intelligence, 2 CR, TN 30, IE Tech +1k0, + Glory, VP for +1k1: 10d10o10k4+6 38

Banners and Heraldry 3 points
M -2, What's in a Name?, Lore: Heraldry/Intelligence, 2 CR, TN 30, IE Tech +1k0, + Glory, VP for +1k1, Fokurokujin's Curse -5: 8d10o10k4+1 30

Final Preparations for Sail 4 points
M -1, What's in a Name?, Sailing/Intelligence, 2 CR, TN 30, IE Tech +1k0, Reincarnated, + Glory, VP for +1k1: 9d10o10k4+6 44

10 points - 6 Glory = 4 points
.4 Glory

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:23 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:18 pm
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Day -3:
In the temple to Benten, a poem is placed among the offerings, its paper unfolded so that all visitors may see it. It is signed 空蝉 (utsusemi - Cicada Shell).

"wata no hara
oki tsu nami ni
tatsu nami no
yoriko ya kakaru
migiwa naritomo"

(Across the broad sea sweep,
The waves from the offing,
The breakers:
So I would have you come to me,
Though I be such a shore…)


Day -2:

The next day, a poem by the same author is offered as a gift to the temple of Hotei.

"izukata e
aki no yo no
sora ni mo amaru
tsuki no hikari o"

In which direction
Should head my longing?
On an autumn night
The skies are full of
The moon’s light…


Day -1:

The author of the poems have left another offering, this time by the shrine to Suitengu. However, this time it is not a poem, but a painting. Its paint catches the eye; not only are the colours vibrant, but the scales of the fish in the painting seem to shimmer when the light reflects on them, making them seem more alive.



EVENT D-3 Artisan: Poetry. +2k0 (Kakita Artisan), +1k1 Void. 5 raises. TN 45: 10d10o10k6 43
Forgot to add my Glory to the roll, so 45 exactly! +6 points

EVENT D-2 Artisan: Poetry. +2k0 (Kakita Artisan), +1k1 Void, +2 Glory. 5 raises. TN 45: 10d10o10k6+2 51
One raise is to use Poetry again, so +5 points!

EVENT D-1 Artisan: Painting. +1k1 Void, +2 Glory. 3 raises. TN 35: 8d10o10k5+2 38
+4 points!

6+5+4-2=13! GREAT!

26 VIP
+1.3 Glory
2 Duty Points

Dragon Clan • Waifu • Poet • Sensational Artisan • Chadō Master • Courtier • Imperial Chaperone • Second Officer of the Kunshu Maru • Healer
Theme #5Profile

Honour: Exceptional • Status: 5.0 • Glory: 5.1 (Lady of the Golden Moon's Words)
Faith: Exceptional • Status: 4.0 • Reputation: 2.7 (Lady Uxue)
Languages: Rokugani, Merenaese
Has: Wakizashi, flute, notebook (new), small knife, satchel (contains medicine kit and paint supplies).
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:07 am 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:46 pm
Posts: 459
Kitsu Keiji spent the days before the expedition diligently training at swordplay, sailing and mapmaking, skills he expected to be important for a naval officer on the Imperial expedition.

While training at the dojo, he had the good fortune to meet Agasha Utsumemi, a Dragon woman of some importance who had also assigned to the expedition. Perhaps their paths would cross again someday?

Day -3 evening: What's in a Name with 2 raises: Kenjutsu 49 beats TN30 by 19, 3 points earned and 1 FR for next event roll
Day -2 afternoon: What's in a Name with 2 called raises, 1 free raise: Sailing 39 beats TN30 by 9, 4 points earned
Day 1 afternoon: What's in a Name with 2 called raises: Cartography 65 beats TN30 by 35, 6 points earned

Total: 3+4+6-5 = 8 points for event

Keiji proves himself an Amazing Naval Officer (+16 VIPs, +0.8 Glory, +1 Duty Point)

Last edited by Kitsu Keiji on Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Lion Clan Samurai • Imperial Explorer • Captain of Kunshu Maru • Famous • Voice • Leadership
Status 4.0 (Ship Captain) • Glory 7.2 (amazing naval officer) • Reputation 4.3 (naval commander, battle of Skull Island) • Honor: Exceptional
Sturdy clothing, daisho, traveling pack, drafting tools
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:07 am 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:57 pm
Posts: 550
Pre-game EVENT:
[D -3] Lore:Nature (Air)/Awa Void 1k1, 1 FR (School) 2 CR TN 30 + 2 Glory: 7d10ro1o10k4+2 48 (Pass. 1 FR earned.)
[D -2] Artisan:Bonsai/Awa Void 1k1, 1 FR 1 CR TN 25 +2 Glory: 6d10o10k4+2 44 (Pass. 1 FR earned.)
[D -1] Investigation (Notice)/Percep Void 1k1, 1 FR TN 20 +2 Glory: 7d10ro1o10k3+2 37 (Pass. +1 to final score.)
= 10 -2 Glory = 8 = Amazing ...!
= 16 VIP
= 0.8 Glory
= 1 Duty point

Tortoise clan • Someisa Daimyo | Soul of Artistry (Craft) | Sage | One with Nature | Paragon (Sincerity) | Blessed by Sadahako | Bad Fortune (Disfigurement: Abundant Freckles)
Status: 6.0 • Honour: Exceptional • Glory: 3.8 • Infamy 0.2 • Reputation 1.8 • Notoriety 0.5 | College of the Dawning Light | First Mate, the Stingray
Languages: Rokugani, Mereanese | Ichigo the space turtle Image

Outfit: Extravagant Clothing, Wakizashi, Pistol, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:04 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:30 pm
Posts: 903
(fluff to be added)

D1 afternoon -
Pregame event - D1 - Calligraphy/int +void +IEtech+honor. Tn20+2 raises (Tn30): 10d10o10k5+7 49 3 points and 1 FR for next roll
D2 afternoon-
Pregame event - D2 - Lore:Gaijin Cultures (Mekhem)/int +void +IEtech+honor. Tn20+2 raises+1FR (Tn30): 8d10r1o10k5+7 51 4 points and 2FR for next roll
D3 afternoon-
Pregame event - D3 - Calligraphy/int +void +IEtech+glory. Tn20+2 raises+1FR for points and 1 because reusing skill (Tn30): 10d10o10k5+7 50 4 points +2 points because final roll and exceeded by 20

3+4+4+2-7=6 points
Suihime is Remarkable!
12 VIP points
.6 Glory
1 Duty point

(ooc note - I wrote honour instead of glory. It was adding glory not honour! Only realised by the final roll...

Imperial * Captain of the Ashitae Maru * Courtier *Imperial Explorer * Herald * Jama's Retainer * Bookworm * Jinn-Touched * Prolific Pundit on Gaijin Affairs * Gaijin-curious * Princess of the Imperial Navy * Profile
Status: 4.0 | Glory 7.8 | Honour/Faith Exceptional | Reputation 1.3

Languages: Rokugani, Mekhem, Yobanjin, Merenaese, ???
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:02 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:38 pm
Posts: 163
It had begun with a few artfully distributed rumours. No one would ever trace them back to him. They could suspect, but no one would ever know he had been the first to voice them. After all he was a Courtier of the Lion. A clan so anchored in honour that no one would accuse them of such lowly gossip. They would be the ones that were unaware of which clan he had married in from. The rumours themselves though . . . ! Such deeds they suggested. The Phoenix and his stable boy? One would have thought the Asako had more propriety.

The next stage had been to speak on the Asako's behalf. Kind words of defence and support. Oh, a man of Asako-san's standing could never be capable of what the rumours suggested. How could anyone even think that? Lies and slander for sure.

Now established as a 'friend' of the Asako, it was easy to arrange an evening meeting with him. A bottle of sake shared. Conversation made. Even some shared music with Yuki's samisen at hand. Then a walk through the gardens to a secluded location where Yuki had made sure to have a servant posted with more sake. More quiet words and then the servant beckoned forward. Clumsily, as this particular servant was more used to handling horses than drinks. Yes . . . the very same boy from the rumours. More suggestions and a few too many cups of sake later, Yuki made his excuses and left. Shortly afterwards the rumours were no longer rumours but fact.

Perhaps the Asako should not have been so vocal in his condemnation of the Right Hand the Winter before?


Day -3 = Courtier/Awareness, 3 CR, BB, VP = TN 35 = 37 . . . 4 points
Day -2 = Etiquette/Awareness, 2 CR, BB, VP = TN 30 = 58 . . . 3 points, 2 FR carried forward
Day -1 = Temptation/Awareness, 2 CR, 2 FR, BB, DB, VP = TN 30 = 45 . . . 5 points, +1 point for overroll

Totals = 4 + 3 + 6 - 2 = 11

Yuki is Exceptional.

22 VIP
1.1 Glory . . . Infamy . . . tbd
2 Duty Points

Lion Clan * Courtier * Snow Kitten * Pretty Boi * Uncaring * Opinionated * 'Lynx of the Night' * Chaperone * Nakodo

Honour: Untrustworthy * Glory: 3.1 * Status: 4.5
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:27 pm 
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The Tortoise privateer opted to choose conservatively on his skills, opting to go for those that would fit a Tortoise during the first two days and concluding with his trademark finesse in the last day.

The first day he was seen haggling with some merchants, cornering mercilessly to accept his inflated prices and managing to make quite a bit of profit through it.

The second day he took the vessel he had been given and displayed his skill and aptitude with seafaring.

The last one he performed a surprising display of diestreza, showing why there had been increasing rumours of his skill among the Tortoise, when he humiliated a braggart Lion that called him "halfblooded mongrel" by cutting his obi and undergarments with a few strikes.

Day -3: Commerce vs TN 30: 43 - 1 FR gained, 4 points
Day -2: Sailing vs TN 30: 45 - 1 FR gained, 3 points
Day -1: Swords vs TN 30 36 - 2 points

TOTAL POINTS: 4+3+2-2 = 7
+14 VIP
+0.7 Glory

Tortoise Clan • Privateer (Allegedly) • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Fabulously Wealthy • Captain of Amateratsu's Grace
Honor: 1.0 - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 4.5 (5.5 in East Port)
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Ivindi, Yobanjin

Equipment: Rapier, navigation tools, light armor when applicable
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:14 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:48 am
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Ringo goes about the next few days in a way that may seem very atypical for a Crab. He leads an inspiring song to boost courage and morale in battle. The next day is filled with quiet paperwork. A necessary task that Ringo actually enjoys. Finally he gets to work in the engineering field. He does some work towards repairing and doing maintenance on the ships.

D-3. Perform - Song = 28. +1 Point
D-2 Etiquette = 29. +1 Point
D-1 Engineering. 1 CR = 38. +3 Points

Total: 1+1+3-2= 3 Points = Promising
+6 VP
+0.3 Glory

Last edited by Hida Ringo on Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

Crab * Bushi * Berserker * Large * Imperial Naval College * Evil Red Eye (L) * Struggling Pacifist * Promising Creator * Dangerous Beauty (at home) * Exp
Status: 1.0 * Glory: 3.8 * Reputation: 3.1 * Honour: Untrustworthy
Rokugani, Merenae, Mekhem
Carries: Daisho, Finger of Jade, Heavy Armour, Ink Brush Kit, Ono, Pistol
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:21 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:27 pm
Posts: 264
Poetry = 21 -3pts :| IC manifestation
Courtier = 35 4pts
Etiquette = 53 5pts

Last edited by Kakita Otsuka on Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Crane Clan Bushi • Duelist • Blessed by Benten • House of Shining Light
Status 1.0 | Glory 2.7 | Honour: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, sake cup, chopsticks
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:24 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:16 pm
Posts: 234
Koharu, being primarily a painter and tasked with cataloguing foreign flora and fauna, focused her efforts within the city on just that. While there weren't many gaijin things, there were some. She concentrated on painting wildlife that had been brought back from foreign lands. A trip to the zoo, visiting the gardens of the Imperial Naval College and a day listening to fanciful tales of amazing foreign sights were all useful. With them she could build up an impressive portfolio. Taking little notice of those around her when she entered her artistic zone, the final images she produced were each incredibly vivid and detailed. On the back of each she made sure to include some notes and details. Alongside these, when she had each canvas securely stored, she added a scroll of comments and observations that she hoped would be beneficial to whoever read them.


Painting with 7 raises = 8
Painting with 7 raises = 8
Painting with 5 raises and +30 over = 9

8+8+9-6 = 19 -> Great!
38 VIP
1.9 Glory
3 Duty Points

Crane Clan Courtier • House of Shining Light • Ally of the Great Lady Doji Ayano • Another Doji (bland) • Benten's Blessing • Voice
Status 2.0 • Glory 7.9 • Honour: What is Expected • Description
Carries: Wakizashi, fan, umbrella (when raining), painting supplies
 Post subject: Re: What's in a Name? [Pre-Game Event]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:40 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:12 pm
Posts: 1325
((Did threads with Descriptions for everything I was doing.))


Roll 1 = Pregame event Roll 1 Day -3. Kyujutsu + Rnk 2 + Void + Glory Calling 4 raises. tn 40: 10d10ro1o10k5+2 47

Roll 2= Pregame event Roll 2 Day -2 Kyujutsu + Rnk 2 + Void + Glory Calling 4 raises 3 for poitns 1 for same skill. tn 40: 10d10ro1o10k5+2 50

Roll 3 = Pregame event Roll 3 Day -1 Battle/perception 2 raises 1 free raise +2 from glory tn 30 void for 1k1: 8d10o10k4 27=2 = 29

5+4 -2 -2 = 5 points


10 VIP
.5 glory
1 Duty Point

Lion Clan | Bushi | Archer | Shireikan | Naval College | Blessed | Explorer | Disturbing | Proven Marksman | Jinn Touched

Honor: Exceptional | Status: 6.0 | Glory: 4.4| Infamy: 1.0 | Reputation: 1.7 | Notoriety: 1.1

Carries: Daisho, Kimono, Finger of Jade
When allowed: Yumi, Light Armor

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