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 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:13 pm 
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"I feel there is... I feel that to some this knowledge could open their minds to greater tolerance and understanding. To open minds to the Truth. The problem with us who inhabit the 'world' is that there is always evil in it... there's rarely a time where conditions are black and white. It's a sea of gray out there... Such information used improperly can surely create strife and cause great evil; but Truth, in the hands of decent men and women can also bring great good. Help change the sea's tint to be a bit brighter."

She paused, "I don't know if I am the right person for this task... I honestly cannot tell you. I have always been taught that Kharsis accomplishes part of her work through the small acts of individuals. I do not know all things... but I earnestly seek for her guidance. I have faith that she will hear my prayers and act through me in some way to enable her purposes. I pray continually, and even if she has remained largely silent to my prayers... I feel her guidance in my life. I don't know if it is enough... but I desire to do her work and prevent as much suffering as I can."

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Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:45 am 
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Alvaro was silent for long, his lips trembling.

"And if your fervent prayer, your courage to share the truth, was about to kill thousands? Are piety and truth worth innocent lives?"

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:48 am 
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She tilted her head, “I do not have all the answers... what would you do Padre?

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:54 am 
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"I am... none the wiser, my daughter." Tears started rolling down the furrows in his old face, such that are not a release but a depletion. "I have dedicated my whole life to finding this one answer. Here I am, at its end, and I... still haven't found it."

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:00 am 
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She nodded quietly, “I suppose I would err to the side of mercy. Kharsis put others before herself, the greatest of all debasing herself to the level of the lowest criminal. The hard question for me is knowing what it is she would truly want... a question we all seek I suppose.

She looked down to the frail man, “Do you feel She was with you in the difficult moments of your life?

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:59 am 
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"No. I didn't feel her with me in my darkest hour. I felt abandoned, and have looked for her ever since. It is the very reason I have become a priest, my daughter. My faith emerged from emptiness, the desire of her presence. As I pray, I can claim no certainty that she listens, no proof other than my belief, my faith. The closest I have for an answer is that the ultimate truth is not for me to find, that as I render unto Her to do her works through me all that I shall ever have is the mystery and wonder I find in Her mercy, the never-ending search that leaves me troubled and wanting. There might be no peace in this world, only the next."

He looked at her. His eyes no longer trickled just tears. The streaks were painted carmine.

"Videmus nunc per speculum in aenigmate tunc autem facie ad faciem nunc cognosco ex parte tunc autem cognoscam sicut et cognitus sum."

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:04 am 
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"Padre!" She said with alarm as his eyes shed reddened tears. "We must get you inside. You have pushed yourself too far."

She gently eased the man down into a sitting position as she looked around for someone to help. "What can I do for you? Who should I get to come help Padre?"

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:14 pm 
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"There is blood on my hands, my daughter." He said after he wiped his face with open palms. "I prayed when I shouldn't have, youthfully ignorant and foolhardy, lost and desperate in a land of murderers, and there was blood on my hands, just like on their swords. It's all my fault, never in this life will I redeem it." He wept tears of blood. "How is this possible? Why did Kharsis allow it? I hadn't betrayed her, but there, in that savage empire, she wasn't with me."

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:32 pm 
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What happened Padre?” She asked as her mind raced. Was this stigmata?

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 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:17 pm 
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"You know my name. I was the boy that started it all, who prayed to Kharsis in the Shining Square of Otosan Uchi. I had long asked her to deliver us from that nightmare. For two years I had seen how the Empress' troops had been killing people in droves, men, women and children, just because their leaders had lent support to the opposite cause. She had given us two years there in order to observe us, and we all thought that after that we would all be killed like the rest of her enemies. Kharsis had not listened when I had been hiding my faith, so I went out and prayed in public. I went out, knelt in the middle of the square, folded my hands and started to sing psalms. I found the courage to become a martyr, pledging myself in entirety to Kharsis so she would save our kin from slaughter like She had saved the Radians and the Niaskese from the Yodotai. Instead, thousands upon thousands died, many before my eyes, men, women and children, when Hawthorne bombarded the city. And their suffering was no different than any other, but this time it was on me, for it had been my prayers what tipped their judgement of us. I was denied martyrdom and watched everything from a prison cage. I saw so many people dying because of me... They died, I survived. This is when I lost my faith. And though I became a priest to find it, and have laboured all my life for it, I have not fully regained it. Even as I accept that Her Mercy is infinite, I still don't know how she could have allowed that to happen in response to being venetated. I don't know that my child. Even now, when my disbelieving soul is bleeding. Will my suffering finally save someone?" He was losing blood rapidly, looking at her as it pooled in the folds of his habit.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:07 pm 
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She took out a handkerchief and tried to control some of the bleeding. She became somewhat panicked, not knowing what to do. She listened as she prayed internally for the bleeding to stop, “We all have agency Padre. And Kharsis in her grace has left us with the ability to choose... All people can, for good or ill. It may not be an answer... but more importantly we need to find a way to stop your bleeding.

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
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 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:20 pm 
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At this point, Alvaro fainted and collapsed, his head striking the floor. While Berena would undoubtedly organise help soon enough, he would receive help and care and regain consciousness eventually, he would be weak and silent, extremely hard to reach and not shedding a word. As this would no pass after few days, Agata would assume the responsibilities of a vicar in the parish and conduct masses to the best of her ability.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: The Passion of Alvaro (D8, EM)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:27 pm 
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The words of the priest would weigh heavily on Bellena for the days to come...


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