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 Post subject: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:30 pm 
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Posts: 3783

Jama sent orders to each of the vessels to manoeuvre, drill crews and troops and prepare the ships for the expedition the next day.



  • Each on-screen slot of participation requires committing a Squadron Action of Drills, Exploration or Policing kind. One has to be on-screen, the rest may be off-screen. Only the first is mandatory.
  • There can be only one roll per slot, done either by the Captain or the First Mate. These can be Cooperative with other PC crewmmbers. For each new slot, a different skill needs to be rolled.
  • Non-rollers who are nevertheless on their ships for the on-screen threads may be benefitting from rewards won by their leaders.
  • Non-Explorer players who plan to take part in the expedition may be on board of drilling vessels.
  • The TN of each roll is TN40. The highest standards of excellence are enforced. Raises can be called as normal for additional, undisclosed effects. Leadership awards a FR, but nothing else that is not a RAW effect.
  • All skills are rolled with their standard Traits



  • Clean & Careen: Craft: Shipbuilding
  • LFX: Firearms, Cannon or Craft: Explosives
  • Drill Troops & Crews: Intimidation
  • Emergency Supply: Commerce
  • Identification: Investigation, Lore: Spirit Realms or Lore: Shadowlands
  • Manoeuvring and Signalling: Sailing
  • Boarding: Non-Gunpowder Weapon Skill or Jiujutsu
  • Motivation: Perform: Oratory, Song or Instrument
  • Battle Plans: Battle or Lore: War
  • Sounding: Hunting or Lore: Nature



They will be designed for each ship as per combination of results, though they will revolve around easier honing of key skill and various improvements of ship performance ahead of D12.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:53 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:46 pm
Posts: 459
Admiral Jama had ordered the fleet to make ready for an armed expedition, and so Kunshu Maru and her crew were performing one training exercise after another in preparation for action. Ship Captain Kitsu Keiji stood at the tiller guiding the ship in a series of tricky maneuvers, while First Officer Muhaki Berena and Gunner's Mate Mirumoto Kenzo ran drills with the musketmen and cannon crew.

The captain, Second Officer Utsusemi and Chief Engineer Hida Ringo led the crew in a merry battle song as they worked.

Stand out to sea, fight our battle cry!
We'll never change course so foes steer shy!
Roll out the guns, anchors aweigh!
Sail on to victory, we’ll smash the spiders, hooray!
Anchors aweigh, anchors aweigh!
Farewell to foreign shores, we sail at break of day!

Keiji’s rolls
Manoeuvring and Signalling with 1 FR for effect, Sailing 47 hits TN40 (note: forgot +1 for Kenzo in orokos)
Motivation with 1 FR to reduce TN, Perform: Song 42 hits TN35 (forgot +1 for Utsusemi in orokos)

Berena’s rolls
Live Fire Exercises, Firearms 54 hits TN40
Sounding with 1 FR for effect, Lore: Nature 46 hits TN40

4 time slots used
On screen thread is here

Lion Clan Samurai • Imperial Explorer • Captain of Kunshu Maru • Famous • Voice • Leadership
Status 4.0 (Ship Captain) • Glory 7.2 (amazing naval officer) • Reputation 4.3 (naval commander, battle of Skull Island) • Honor: Exceptional
Sturdy clothing, daisho, traveling pack, drafting tools
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:22 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:24 pm
Posts: 1235
Yamato Maru

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:00 pm 
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Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:11 pm
Posts: 421
The Tortoise was barking orders at his sailors. He was decided to tide up his contribution with the Amateratsu's Grace.


[LM] Sailing vs TN 40: 43 - SUCCESS
[EA] Commerce vs TN40: 39 - SUCCESS - Kaiya assists for +1. (Kannon)

Tortoise Clan • Privateer (Allegedly) • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Fabulously Wealthy • Captain of Amateratsu's Grace
Honor: 1.0 - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 4.5 (5.5 in East Port)
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Ivindi, Yobanjin

Equipment: Rapier, navigation tools, light armor when applicable
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:07 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:36 pm
Posts: 1243
Susumu readies his ship for fairly easy maneouvres but things, things gets wrong very fast. A previously unexistant current takes hold of the ship and guides it straight to the hungry shoals

Panic takes over the ship as the Captain orders the shipwrights to keep the ship afloat but at the cost of the supplies he had procured.

Final Drills: Manoeuvring and Signalling: Sailing 1 FR, 2 CR, void, Joy of plunder, +5 cooperative, +4 Wataru TN41 -_-

Final Drills: Emergency Supply: Commerce 1 FR, void, JoP Made it with a raise! I forgot the TNs were lowered by 2

Last edited by Gusai Susumu on Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

''Destiny unfolds''
Mantis Clan-Captain-Merchant-Shrewd Businessman-Naval-Leader of Men-Explorer- Ivindi Merenaese Mekhem
Miya Suihime wrote:
''...he was a paragon of courtesy...''

Status 4 (5 for mantis and peasants)/Glory 8.4/Reputation 4.3/ Honor: What is expected (GASP!)
Equipment (visible):
-always: Double Kama, wakizashi, jade finger
-when appropriate: light armor
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:15 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:10 am
Posts: 364
At Jama's command, Tori prepares for the next day's battle, despite the... 'enlightening' results of the prior bout, scouting out the surrounding waters in preparation for the day to come.

((LM: Sailing, VP, 1FR for difficulty, TN35: 10d10o10k5 29, fail. And a merry screw you to you, too, Orokos.
LA: Lore: Nature/Intelligence, VP, 2FR for effect, TN40: 10d10o10k7 54, pass with two raises.))

Crane * Courtier * Distinguished Naturalist * Sailor * Imperial Naval Academy * Tinker * Lecher * Small * Honors Student * Captain * Sensei * Librarian of the Explorers
Status: 4.0 * Glory: 8.6 * Honor: 6.5 * Reputation: 4.1
Inventory: Wakizashi, Tanto, Fan, Calligraphy Set, Mirror, Pistol, Seagull Necklace
Rokugani * Thrane * Merenaese
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:50 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:12 pm
Posts: 1325
Captain Suihime had been left the drills generally up to Yasuhiro for one reason and other. Perhaps she wished to test the first mate? Whatever the reason was was Yasuhiro who took charge of the various drills, though his captain did step in to help with the sailing. They were perhaps more militarily minded then many of the other ships, but they were executed precisely.

Day 11 final drills boarding action. Kyujutsu/reflexes with void tn 40: 10d10o10k5 53

Day 11 final drills exploration. Sailing/ intelligence with void tn 40 +5 From suihime: 8d10o10k4+5 60

Day 11 Final drills Dattle Plans Battle/Perception with void tn 40: 8d10o10k4 67

3 passes with no raises.

((The thread in case you needed it.))

Lion Clan | Bushi | Archer | Shireikan | Naval College | Blessed | Explorer | Disturbing | Proven Marksman | Jinn Touched

Honor: Exceptional | Status: 6.0 | Glory: 4.4| Infamy: 1.0 | Reputation: 1.7 | Notoriety: 1.1

Carries: Daisho, Kimono, Finger of Jade
When allowed: Yumi, Light Armor

 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:15 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:57 pm
Posts: 550
The First Mate of the Stingray was still involved, and put her skills to use. Ran fell short.

D11 Craft:Shipbuilding Void 1k1 TN 30: 6d10o10k4 27
D11 Investigation (Notice) Void 1k1 TN 30: 7d10r1o10k3 33
Thought it was TN 30. I haven't had coffee yet. Forgive me.

Tortoise clan • Someisa Daimyo | Soul of Artistry (Craft) | Sage | One with Nature | Paragon (Sincerity) | Blessed by Sadahako | Bad Fortune (Disfigurement: Abundant Freckles)
Status: 6.0 • Honour: Exceptional • Glory: 3.8 • Infamy 0.2 • Reputation 1.8 • Notoriety 0.5 | College of the Dawning Light | First Mate, the Stingray
Languages: Rokugani, Mereanese | Ichigo the space turtle Image

Outfit: Extravagant Clothing, Wakizashi, Pistol, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:34 am 
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Joined: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:45 am
Posts: 487
Susumu readies his ship for fairly easy maneouvres but things, things gets wrong very fast. A previously unexistant current takes hold of the ship and guides it straight to the hungry shoals

Panic takes over the ship as the Captain orders the shipwrights to keep the ship afloat but at the cost of the supplies he had procured.

"Captain, veer to starboard, the currents will take us safely back to the sea!" Called out Wataru as he observed the currents movements.

As he observed how the captain changed the ships directions, and pulled through the drills, the samurai worked on the ship, and the state of its masts.

Lore: Nature (Water)/Per, Explorer, FR Asako to reduce TN. TN 35: 41 - success
Craft: Shipbuilding/Int, Explorer. TN 40: 53 - Success
Lore: Spirit realms/Int, Explorer, Free Raise Asako to reduce TN. TN 35: 22 - Fail

Mantis • First Officer of the Walrus • Courtier trained • Sage • Lechery • Paragon of Success • Gentle Windjammer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.4 • Honor: Exceptional • Reputation: 2.1

Carries: Daisho, Pistol, Light Armor, Personal Seal, Pillow Book, Fan, Coin Case, Jade, Parchments and Coal
Languages: Broken Merenaese and Rokugan
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:47 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:58 am
Posts: 3783
Muhaki Ran wrote:
The First Mate of the Stingray was still involved, and put her skills to use. Ran fell short.

D11 Craft:Shipbuilding Void 1k1 TN 30: 6d10o10k4 27
D11 Investigation (Notice) Void 1k1 TN 30: 7d10r1o10k3 33
Thought it was TN 30. I haven't had coffee yet. Forgive me.

Gusai Wataru wrote:
"Captain, veer to starboard, the currents will take us safely back to the sea!" Called out Wataru as he observed the currents movements.

As he observed how the captain changed the ships directions, and pulled through the drills, the samurai worked on the ship, and the state of its masts.

Craft: Shipbuilding/Int, Explorer. TN 40: 53 - Success
Lore: Spirit realms/Int, Explorer, Free Raise Asako to reduce TN. TN 35: 22 - Fail

[This doesn't count either way because Tori & Susu expended respective ship capacities. Things that happen when you don't coordinate. I treat this rolls as not made, so you can have your VP back.]

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Final Drills [LM-LE11]
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:25 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:58 am
Posts: 3783

Amaterasu's Grace: +0.5 Capacity, +1 Strength of the vessel in battle
Kunshu Maru: +1 Capacity, +4 to commanding officer's Tactics Rolls, +2 to Mass Battle Table rolls for the crew
Yamato Maru: No bonuses
Ashitae Maru: +0.5 Capacity, +2 to commanding officer's Tactics Rolls, +1 Strength of the vessel in battle
Walrus: +1 Strength of the vessel in battle, +1 to Mass Battle Table rolls for the crew
Stingray: +3 to Mass Battle Table rolls for the crew


Everyone who has participated in the manoeuvres, directly or by assisting, gain 2 xp toward the next rank of the Skill they have used/contributed to.

Those who have rolled successfully have a 1xp discount per successful roll, discounted further by 1xp per Raise, to their next rank of Social Position. This is cumulative with other discounts.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
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