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 Post subject: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:09 am 
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Forty years ago in the Kingdom of Mereneae, following the victory of the Tarkhanate in the continental war with the Sheel and the Khan's bitter reward for former allies, it was the ambition of Teodoro Cornejo to sidestep the close-minded delphine Enrique de Radena, whose right to rule hailed back to the first Radians who settled the island, on his path to the throne in Carceiras through a velvet palace coup of bertothing his half-sister Sophia to his own son, Ricardo. One could fault his ambition or question his motives, but Teodoro, then by far the richest and most influential man in Merenae, put forward the idea that captivated minds of those who yearned for change. His son was the bastard of the Empress of Rokugan, and by his move Teodoro wished to bind his two homelands into an alliance that could outweigh the rising powers of the Yodotai and the Tarkhanate. Given how his son was later called back to succeed his mother on the Emerald Throne, he might not have had the worst idea. Especially that he secured a clandestine coalition with two other forces of the realm: Quijanos, the richest and most influential hidalgo family deeply intertwined with the Throne, and the Abertzales, daring seamen who his family had long been allied with. They called themselves the Xantellados, those who wanted to put a scion of the Hantei on the Merenaese throne and by this foster a new future for the kingdom.

Alas, things got awry back then. Neither did Teodoro account for Enrique's ruthlessness nor did he expect treachery from among the Xantellados. Enrique sent assassins after his step-mother and half-sister and blamed the Abertzales, only to excuse them and bribe them to abandon Cornejo and betray the conspiracy. He attacked before the rebel forces could gather, and while Teodoro and Ricardo were prevented from joining them and their lives were saved, the conspiracy was unmade. The Quijanos backed away from it before they could be compromised, and the housed loyal to the Throne defeated leaderless Cornejo troops at the Battle of Mercesquera. A dark age commenced, when Algurias, Almerias and Bregos supported the work of the throne and the Inquisition to purge heterodoxy and conspiracy. Books were burned, stories of the waning age of exploration were spoken only in whisper, and people of Aberri were persecuted for their heretical beliefs. Cornejos were stripped of their lands and titles, and their Empresa Mercantil was taken over by forces loyal to the crown, letting Almerias emerge as devout at home but economically shrewd and liberal abroad. Tortoise influences vanished from the realm for a decade, only to be restored by accommodation with Almerias. But Lord Muhaki never awarded them samurai status like he had done with Cornejos, Quijanos or Arrigorriagakoas in the former age.

The kingdom has continued to slip into decline, however, just like Cornejo and Quijano predicted. Cornered out from the Spice Trade by the Tarkhanate and without true compensation in trade with Rokugan, the fortunes dwindled. Mismanagement and royal escapism led from one fiscal crisis to another, and the crown was getting increasingly indebted to its own grands, mostly to Quijanos and Almerias. The efforts to centralise economic power by king Miguel and impose census and new taxes onto the lords of the realm backfired into a spiral of escalation. Miguel's paranoia was fuelled by the rumours of Hantei building a fleet to sail east. His fear of another Xantellado rebellion made him act rashly. As he overtaxed Almerias and imprisoned the head of the Quijano family, he had rebellion on his hands he wanted to avoid.

This was to some extent precipitated by Hantei Jama, or Jaime Ricardo Principe de Xantello y Cornejo as his father would call him. One of several goals behind his First Voyage that gathered the scions of Quijanos, Almerias and Arrigorriagakoas on one island, and Teodoro's restless soul reborn in Miya Edogawa among them, was to foment a new conspiracy and lead to a new coup in Merenae. This time, however, three competing claims have emerged.

    Donna Bellena de Quijano, through her marriage to Muhaki Saionji, or Don Salvador de Muxaqui, is supporting the Tortoise Champion's ascension to the Throne. Saionji's claim, while complicated because of being Lord Muhaki's bastard, has been given Jama's approval. Unbeknownst to her, her elder brother has already been executed by king Miguel and she is now the head of the family. Saionji, being a vassal and friend of both the Grand Vizier and the Shinjo Kaghan, could call upon the Unicorn to assist him, but his wife dissuades him from it to claim the moral high ground of the rebellion not having features of a foreign invasion. Other parties don't have such scruples.

    De Almerias, former allies of the Royal House, join the fray with all their might and a relatively strong claim as the bastard daughter of Ricardo de Cornejo, Katarina, is now married to Jose de Almeria and has an infant son carrying Hantei, Cornejo and Almeria blood. Jose has the support of his father and two brothers, Juan the Elder and Juan the Younger. The former has organised a foreign force of Knight Templars of the Ebon Hand to join the war. As Katarina and Jama are estranged, it is the Prince's least favourite option.

    Don Xavier de Arrigorriagakoa has his own debts to settle. A staunch loyalist of Jama and the proponent of Cornejo restoration, he thinks he will face his own family divided and has created serious disagreements with the rest of Xantellados due to his autonomist leanings. Unbeknownst to him for now, Sorgin, the elder of his clan, has already usurped his brother's troops and Aberri forces are Xavier's to take into battle along his hired mercenaries.

Long story short, de Radenas are done. When the Explorers arrive in Merenae at the onset of winter the war is already in full swing. Into the next month the Abertzales and hired hands take significant portion of La Corna, hereditary Cornejo lands, from king's loyalists, the Bregos. The bulk of rebel forces has already bloodied themselves through battles with southern royalists in the centre of the country. De Quijano have asserted control over much of Tartessos belonging to de Alguria, while de Almeria have closed in on the capital. Finally, before the New Year by Merenaese calendar, in the Second Battle of Mercesquera the king is defeated and routed, and vengeful Quijano troops chase him until he's caught, then drop him to his death from the bridge at Paraxena, the same fate that had been dealt onto infanta Sophia, in a grim reminder that children always pay for the sins of their fathers. Meanwhile, Almerias march into the capital and start taking over the administration...


This bet shall resolve which of the three factions determines who becomes the next Merenaese ruler. The detailed of agendas and consequences of choosing each option will be outlined in the next post.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:07 am 
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Deviation from General Rules.

This is not a 'the winner takes it all' bet. No new regime can emerge in peace without a measure of cooperation between all three factions. After the results are revealed, the 2nd place will have the right to demand from the winner to incorporate 2 out of 3 points of their agenda listed below, the 3rd place will have the right to demand from the winner to incorporate 1 out of 3 points of their agenda listed below. Those are chosen by the winner. If this cooperative approach prevails, the new regime emerges peacefully and 2nd and 3rd place betters will have one-fourth and one-third of their VIPs reimbursed, respectively. However, they can choose to keep them all invested. Every party that supports the new regime will have a number of points to invest into Social and Material Advantages at a ratio of 1 xp per 5 invested VIP for winners, 10 invested VIP for 2nd place and 15 invested VIP for 3rd place.

The 2nd and 3rd place can choose to rebel against the new monarch. They have half of their VIP reimbursed but gain no benefits. A faction revolts if the players responsible for the majority of VIPs invested by the faction pull out of consensus, or by default if the winner does not make due concessions to their agendas. One of the faction revolting is a setback to the new regime, two factions revolting is a full-fledged civil war that undermines the legitimacy of the regime change but leads to a military stalemate for the next year.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:07 am 
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A. Quijanos have their way.

Initial Position: Largest domain, the troops control the bulk of the agricultural interior.

Monarch: King Salvador I, with Queen Bellena. Full support of Quijano through marriage; Championship of the Tortoise Clan operating as the transnational trading company foretells a mercantilist future of the kingdom; good maturity, morals and skills to rule; comparably weak link to the Xantellado heritage, good relations with the Unicorn. Foreign religion.

Domestic Policies: Stability and accommodation. Restoration of la Corna to the Cornejo candidate of the next unrebelled faction, or a PC or NPC of the winners' chosing if factions have rebelled. Restoration of Algurias to Tartessos after the war and no significant territorial shuffling. Familia Real de Muxaqi takes over the lands of the Crown. Emphasis on feudal production and agricultural exports. No significant political reforms that empower lower castes that impede the development of bourgeoisie, independent entrepreneurship and manufacturing except for the Tortoise, who would be treated by the locals as foreign commercial usurpers. All major Merenaese families not rebelled against the Crown receive a dual allegiance, the second to the Tortoise Clan Champion as his vassals. Retaining of the Inquisition but curbing its influence; introducing the Faith of the Kami via the figures of angels and saints into the Faith of Kharsis to avoid charges of the royal couple being heathens.

Foreign Policies: Better relations with the Unicorn, but at a cost of being treated as their tributary due to past allegiances of Saionji. Worse relations with the Sheel and the Yodotai, no changes to relations with Thrane. Relations with Rokugan are complicated; as the Tortoise will consolidate around their new centre overseas, they will continue to lose ground at home as supporters of Saionji will leave Zazu's side to join their rightful Champion, rendering Zazu desperate and willing to secure a place for himself even at the cost of offering his remaining assets to another faction. The fate of Zazu's supporters and Tortoise assets in Rokugan would be resolved during the Winter Court: Ryoko Owari. The regime can count on tentative support from Jama, but not Hohiro.

Kameyama Jima: Retains its multicultural status. If Zazu's faction defects, it becomes the farthest Tortoise foothold toward Rokugan and the new fief of the Someisa family.

Loser's Agenda:

    1. Tartessos to Muxaqui. The Tortoise Clan is awarded rich southeastern lands in Mernae and together with La Cuenca keep a stranglehold on the decisions of the Crown while facing a prolonged Alguria uprising in the mountains.

    2. Peace with the Khans. Merenae should stop issuing letters of marque against Unicorn vessels and ports and open ports to the Purple Fleet on its way to Rokugan. The Tortoise are awarded exclusive rights for the Spice Route Trade.

    3. Strategic Alliance. Saionji and Bellena are awarded prestigious positions in Consejo Real and the Crown supports them in retrieving the Tortoise assets in Rokugani mainland from Zazu.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:48 am 
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B. Almerias have their way.

Initial Position: Largest pool of disposable assets, the troops control the capital, the Church favours them.

Monarch: Queen Katarina I, with King Jose. Full support of Almerias through marriage; support of the banking emporium of the Almerias; poor maturity and skills of the queen, her whimsical and vindictive nature not much of an improvement over Miguel; comparably strong Xantellado heritage if her birthright is believed in, plus an heir is already secured; poor relations with Rokugan.

Domestic Policies: Centralisation and uniformity. Restoration of la Corna to Katarina. Carving out a portion of Tartessos and Aberri to the Templar Orders and Kharsite knighthood of the Sheel with the aim for coercive Kharsisation [The Templars of Ebon Hand are playable as Merenaese for IH3: Aqahba]. Emphasis on state capitalism, autocratic rule and control over foreign businesses of the lords of the realm, including the Tortoise. Bureaucratic empowerment of lower castes to check aristocracy, expansion of financial capacity of the Crown. Using the Inquisition to bolster orthodoxy and control over vassals of the Crown; persecution of other faiths.

Foreign Policies: Better relations with the Sheel and the Ivory Kingdoms, unchanged but volatile with the Unicorn and the Yodotai, worse with the Thrane. Relations with Rokugan are practically severed due to Katarina's angst against the land and her half-brothers, and conducted via the Tortoise. Letters of marque are issued against Rokugani vessels who don't fly the banner of Merenae.

Kameyama Jima: With a hostile Merenae, the Imperial Navy takes action to assert full control of Kameyama. This practically means war, with the Unicorn position in the conflict uncertain...

Loser's Agenda:

    1. Carceiras is worth a mass. The royal family or the de facto ruler convert to the Faith of Kharsis and agree to foster the orthodoxy - only minimum tolerance is awarded to foreign religions and cults of Vengeful Sea are persecuted.

    2. Mi Casa Es Su Casa. The Almerias become the sole creditor of the Crown and are awarded exclusive rights for the Spice Route Trade.

    3. Heiress to La Corna. Katarina is awarded La Corna if she hasn't been already, breaking ties with Aberri and fostering a unified front with her husband's family over the country's oceanic east. She demands a military expansion to defend the kingdom from great powers, both on land and at sea.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:37 am 
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C. Abertzales have their way.

Initial Position: Largest fleet, the troops control La Corna and Aberri.

Monarch: King Jaime I, ruling in absentia through Consejo Real, with Jacinto de Hasaxena as the Viceroy and Xavier de Arrigorriagakoa as the Royal Admiral. Yajinden's skills in governance are good but the regency often turns chaotic and in the eyes of many Merenaese such a regime lacks legitimacy and is a mere ploy unless Jama, who has the best claim to the heritage of the Xantellados, arrives to rule. The promise of a personal union with Rokugan if Jama wins the Emerald Throne.

Domestic Policies: Decentralisation and freedom. Restoration of la Corna to Jama and his descendants. Each province is given greater autonomy from the central government in taxation, laws and administration, changing the kingdom into a looser confederation of more independent entities, acting jointly mostly in matters of war and through common formal institutions. Emphasis on individual entrepreneurship, innovation and religious freedom. Dissolution of the Inquisition, taxation of ecclesial domains and promulgation of the edicts on tolerance. Convening of the Cortes for all social castes of the kingdom, with powers in taxation and budget.

Foreign Policies: Worse relations with all around, Thrane particularly so, except improved relations with the Yodotai. Relations with Rokugan are potentially excellent if Jama manages to take the Throne, much less so if he doesn't. Letters of marque liberally issued as the doctrine of the freedom of the open seas is adopted. The kingdom is led into war with the Thrane, with the aim to hunt down Hawthorne and sack the Thranish capital... again, to cripple the rival kingdom.

Kameyama Jima: With a rogue Merenae tied with Rokugan, the Unicorn might just make their move...

Loser's Agenda:

    1. This means war! The kingdom sends its mobilised troops to a war against the Thrane, with Xavier commanding the fleets as the Royal Admiral.

    2. Edict of Tolerance. All religious persecution stops, religious practice is free and Inquisition has no entry into Aberri.

    3. Convening the Cortes. A parliament for all social strata of Merenaese society is called that imposes financial and jurisdictional constraints on the crown as well as throws the kingdom into a disorder of early parliamentarism challenging the airstocracy.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:37 am 
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The bet is now open and will run until 30.12.2017. Bear in mind it's not the only bet available to people going to Merenae/Tarkhanate.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:27 pm 
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1st. Quijanos have their way: 961 = 336 (Berena) +325 (Susumu) +100 (Anzai) +100 (Ran) +100 (Edogawa)
2nd. Abertzales have their way: 265 = 250 (Zabieru) +15 (Edogawa)
3rd. Almerias have their way: 90 = 60 (Anzai) +30 (Edogawa)

The throne goes to Saionji and Berena!

First, the supporters of Quijanos decide what concessions to make (or not to make). Berena posts the result of a consensus or majority decision and others corroborate it by posting their agreement, or post their disagreement. The posts from holders of the majority of 481 VIP invested in the options is enough to move the process on.

Second, if all concessions are made and no faction rebels by default, Zabieru makes a call if Abertzales support the regime or revolt against it, and Anzai makes a call if Almerias support the regime or revolt against it.

Third, based on the above choices, the territorial order is decided, most significantly who gets the title to La Corna: Jama, Katarina, or a third option if both 2nd and 3rd rebel.

Fourth, disposable xp for Advantages are calculated by the GM for each character who has made a bet. Based on the above story choices, GM discusses possibilities of enmeshing the choices in the emerging setting landscape (like landholdership, titles, official functions, etc.). Both Kannon/Saionji and Musasabi/Bellena (AGM since IH3) have the right to veto spendings that in their opinion don't mesh well with the new shape of the kingdom. This process lasts until a GM-mandated resolution.

Fifth, a narrative of the Merenaese timeline/state of the kingdom and distribution of positions/rewards is published.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:11 pm 
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Quijano are looking to accommodate.

Abertzales faction gets Religious Freedom and Zabieru led Thranish hostilities.

Almerias faction get La Corna with Katarina at its head.

Tortoise Clan • Scholar-Sage • Linguist • Astronomer • 'Unparalleled Intellect' • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Advisor
Faith: What is Expected - Reputation: 2.4 - Status: 3.0
Carries/Owns: Rapier, Pistol, Telescope
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Yodotai, Rokugani, Thranish, Ujik-hai

 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:30 pm 
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Sounds good to me.

Imperial Explorer Captain of Yamato Maru Naval College Foreign Resources Administrator Chief Shipwright Remarkable Mariner Craftsman Navigator Odd Looks Cursed Deranged Soul of Teodoro Cornejo
Status: 4 | Glory: 5 | Infamy: 2 | Honor: Exceptional | Reputation: 1 | Notoriety: 1

Carries: Wakizashi, Rapier, Tools
Speaks: Rokugani, Merenaese, Thranish, Sign
Accompanied By: Nari
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:32 pm 
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436, need one more agreement to pass to Zabi to decide on.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:39 pm 
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I agree as well

''Destiny unfolds''
Mantis Clan-Captain-Merchant-Shrewd Businessman-Naval-Leader of Men-Explorer- Ivindi Merenaese Mekhem
Miya Suihime wrote:
''...he was a paragon of courtesy...''

Status 4 (5 for mantis and peasants)/Glory 8.4/Reputation 4.3/ Honor: What is expected (GASP!)
Equipment (visible):
-always: Double Kama, wakizashi, jade finger
-when appropriate: light armor
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:26 pm 
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Tortoise Clan • Privateer (Allegedly) • Foreign Heritage • Gaijin Name • Fabulously Wealthy • Captain of Amateratsu's Grace
Honor: 1.0 - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 4.5 (5.5 in East Port)
Speaks: Merenaese, Mekhem, Ivindi, Yobanjin

Equipment: Rapier, navigation tools, light armor when applicable
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:29 pm 
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Anzai agrees, so it's done. Now let me calculate xp for you.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
 Post subject: Re: Bet #1: Xantellados
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:45 pm 
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For Merenaese post-coup assets grab:

Bellena: 67 xp. With that she needs to cover being the lady of La Cuenca and queen.
Susumu: 65 xp. Up for discussion.
Zabieru: 25 xp. Need to cover becoming Admiral.
Anzai: 24 xp. Up for discussion.
Edogawa: 23 xp. Up for discussion.
Ran: 20 xp. Need to cover Someisa daimyoship demands.

Head GM ✿ Floating Lotus ✿ Gunslinger ✿ Merciful ✿ Experienced 2
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